The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M.
Minutes of meeting held August 5, 1970, were reviewed and placed on file.
Committee received explanation from Ruekert & Mielke regarding Keith
Filter assessment as per his request (Sewer minutes of 7/6/70). Motion
by Wollman that Keith Filter's assessment remain as is, based on the
cul de sac policy and the opinion of Consulting Engineers. Seconded
by Ald. Burgermeister. Motion carried.
Committee received explanation from Ruekert & Mielke regarding the
Marcella Hansen assessment as per her request (Sewer minutes of 8/5/70)
Burgermeister moved to defer further action until Building Inspector Lee
can advise if she has joint construction on her property. Seconded by
Ald. Sapp. Motion carried.
Motion by Wollman with reference to West Allis Savings and Loan letter
of 7/30/70, due to report received from Muskego Fire Dept. and Building
Inspector Lee, waiver of hook-up on this property be granted. Seconded
by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried.
• The request of Mary Androjna, Assessment #636 was discussed and further
action was deferred until a report can be hand from Ruekert & Mielke
with reference to the roads.
Bids for Sewer Projects MSS-4-5-6-70 were discussed.
Sapp moved that the committee recommend to the Council acceptance of the
following low bids:
MSS-4-70 - Rock Contractors $255,890.25 for sewers and $24,000.00 streets
MSS-5-70 - James Cape Const. $209,628.50 for sewers and $15,750.00 streets
MSS-6-70 - Ramplex, Inc. $308,168.50 for sewers and $27,572.00 streets
Seconded by Ald. Burgermeister, motion carried.
Motion by Burgermeister that assuming hook-up has not been made by 9/16/70,
the city will enforce Ordinance #127, As Amended, on the properties below:
Gloria Webb S76 W18498 Kingston Drive Assessment #C-34
Earl Koedinger S70 W17575 Muskego Drive Assessment #C-418
Muskego Shopping Center S74 W17098 Janesville Rd. Assessm't #C-530)
D. Beierle S63 W17202 College Ave. Assess. #C-602 &1j_99537)
R. Wallner W195 S7177 Hi Y Dr. Assessment #C614
C. Schill W. Janesville Rd. Assessment No. C645 &C-646
E. Niezgoda S79 W18182 Tower Dr. Assessment #C-682 '<
G. Wiele Lake Dr. Assessment #C-158
R. Lainey W. Janesville Rd. Assessment #C-596
Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carmikd
Assessment of three (3) laterals and installation of only two (2)
on the J. Gaffney Lots # 20, 21, and 22 of Muskego Shores Sub. was
Bldg. Inspector Lee is to check the asbilt plans before any action
Meeting recessed at 8:15 P.M. and reconvened at 18:30 P.M.
Ald. Burgermeister moved to recommend to the
Committee that Ordinance #127, As Amended, be
Paragraph 3(C)(1) to read "Forfeiture, $5.00
days, $10.00 per day second thirty (30) days
day thereafter."
Rules, Laws & Ordinance
changed to read as follows:
per day first thirty (30)
and $25.00 per day for every
Public Sewer Meeting 8/19/70
Page 2.
Ald. Wollman moved that Born's Feed Store on Pioneer Drive, referring
to sewer committee meeting of July 6, 1970, be granted a 30-day extension.
Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried.
Ald. Wollman moved that the enforcement of sewer hook-up of the R. Lainey
property (Sewer Committee meeting-7/6/70) be deferred due to non -occupancy
of building and will not be forced to hook up, however, upon occupancy
of building, enforcement will take effect and must be made within 30 days.
Seconded by Ald. Burgermeister. Aldermen Sapp and Burgermeister voted
"no". Ald. Wollman voted "yes". The motion did not carry.
Ald. Sapp moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Wollman. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
C)-- 6 YYL'-i
R. A. Burgermeister, Sec'y.