PSEM19700630PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 30, 1970 • Present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Sapp, Wollman Burgermeister, and Building Inspector Lee. Many questions regarding assessments of the forthcoming sewer project MSS-4 thru 8-70 were discussed and it was decided that all assessments would remain the same except those noted below: • Ald. Burgermeister moved that the F. Bauer property, Assessment #224, be changed from a corner lot to a lot fronting on Ruby Drive only, changing the footage from 100.58 to 92.50. Seconded by Ald. Wollman. Motion carried. Ald. Burgermeister moved that the Reynolds Machine Co. on Martin Dr. not be serviced at this time, therefore, deleting this assessment and when the Engineers confirm the lineal feet of the Ralph Martin property being sewered, this assessment be changed accordingly. Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried. Ald. Burgermeister moved that the city accept Lot 6 on Garnet Drive on a Quit Claim Deed from the Earl Broberg property removed this assessment of 58.41 from his assessment. Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried. Ald. Wollman moved that action be deferred on the assessment of Hugo Ripp properties on Garnet Drive until the committee can view the properties and until Building Inspector Lee can furnish records from the Board of Appeals concerning these properties. Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried. Ald. Sapp moved that the city accept the following waivers from property owners indicating that no laterals would be installed or one or more laterals would be removed: Lot 14, Key # 2175.975 and Lot 13, Key #2175.976 as signed by M. Soergel Lot 6, Blk 9, Jewel Crest Subdivision as signed by Robt. Gordon Key # 2175.971 Lembezeder Unrec. as signed by Otto Bopp Lot 14, Blk 3, Muskego Shores, as signed by Mrs. H. Smet. Pt. of Lots 5 & 62 Blk 1, unplatted lands adjacent to same (eliminate 3 laterals) as signed by E. and D. Broberg Lot 8 Blk 3, Tax Key 2189.035 Assessment #F-48, as signed by L. David & D Shine and M. Shine Sk Lot 5, Blk 11, Assessment #189 as signed by J. Elger Lots 6, 4, & 5 on Hillside Dr. as signed by H. Buckett, Sr. Lot 45, Mill Valley Subdivision (Unrec.) as signed by F. & S. Giesegh • Lots 1, 2 and 3. Blk 7, Muskego Shores (1 lateral only) signed by J.&S. Ward. Assessment Al. Key #2189.029 as signed by H. Salla, Sr. Lots #16, Blk #2, Tax Key #2189.144, Assessment YtE88, D. McGroarty Lot 43 Tax Key #2177.956, Assessment F393, signed by G. Peterson E'k of Loot #1, Oak Ridge Subdivision, Lot 1, Blk #6 signed by H. Seelig Lot 5 Blk Ib6, Oak Ridge Subdivision as signed by T. Menning Lots 10 and 11, Blk A, Hillview Farm Plat (One lateral only) as signed by T. Robert Motion seconded by Ald. Wollman. Motion carried. Ald. Wollman moved that the A. Hendler property on Prospect Dr. assessment be changed from the present assessment to the policy use in accordance with the corner lot policy. Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried. n Sewer Committee 6/30/70 Page 2. • Ald. Wollman moved that the sewer lateral assessment of Lots 10 and 26 in Kingston Subdivision #2 of the Gerald Tryban property be waived after verification by Building Inspector Lee checking the asbilt plans that nd laterals were installed to these lots. Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried. • Ald. Wollman moved that the city absorb the sewer lateral charge of Lots 27 and 28, Kingstons Subdivision #2 of the G. Tryban property if property is recorded by certified survey map as a single property referring to ownership of Lots 8, 91 10, 26, 27 & 28 of Kingston's Subdivision #2. Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried. Ald. Burgermeister moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Wollman. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. RAB/je Respectfully submitted, R. A. Burgermeister, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee