PSEM197006150 CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD 6-15-70 Present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Sapp, Wollman, • Burgermeister, Foldy, Narlock and Dwyer, Building Inspector Lee and Engineer Mielke. The Meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. The minutes of 6-8-70 were reviewed and placed on file. Engineer Mielke reported that a study of the ponds as to the possible projected number of users had been completed and with the present plans it would handle a population of 7,500, or 200 additional hook-ups after projects thru MSS-8-70 were completed. Engineer Mielke reported that due to the time element involved in projects MSS-2 and 3-70 that it might be impossible to hire and train inspectors for these two projects, so it was decided that metropolitan Milwaukee inspectors would be used on these projects and that the necessary number of inspectors for projects 4 thru 8-70 would be hired and trained by the Engineers of Ruekert and Mielke, Building Inspector Lee and Plumbing Inspector Robb. A motion was made by Alderman Burgermeister that the figure used in assuming the assessment for projects MSS 1 through 5-68 would stand. Seconded by Alderman Sapp, the motion was carried. A motion was made by Alderman Wollman that the figure used in assuming the assessment for projects MSS 1 through 3-69 would stand. Seconded by Alderman Burgermeister, the motion carried. A letter from Schroeder Plumbing of ,January 8, 1970 with reference to problems in installation of the hook-up at S70 W17536 Muskego Drive was referred to the plumbing inspector for more information before any decision would be made. A letter from G. Tryban of 6-15-70 was read regarding installa- tions of laterals and useage charges of lots 10, 26, 27 and 28 in Kingston Plat will be studied and a decision will be rendered at the next meeting. A memorandum from R. L. Jazdzewski regarding sewer assessment of 72 feet will be studied after a report is received from the Public Works Committee with reference to street extension and then a decision will be made. The City Attorney has been directed to draft the necessary changes to Ordinance 127 and Ordinance 155 with reference to Sewer Service charges where there is a business and resident located within the same building with only one facility in the building. 10 Page 2. A letter from the building inspector dated 6-15-70 with reference to the A. Hendler property at S76 W19463 Prospect Drive was read. The building inspector is to contact MrS A. Hendler as to his future plans and submit same to the Planning Commission before any further action can be taken by the Sewer Committee. A motion by Alderman Burgermeister was made that no action will be taken with reference to Mr. Wallner's request regarding properties at S76 W18149 and S76 W18191 Janesville Road until a report is received from the building inspector and the Welfare Committee. Seconded by Alderman Wollman, the motion carried. Alderman Wollman moved to adjourn, it was seconded by Alderman burgermeister and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. RB/rs Respectfully submitted, �t3i-uo bert Burgermeister, Sec'y