The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M.
Present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Sapp, Wollman, Narlock and
Burgermeister, Building Inspector Lee and Mr. John Mielke of the
Engineering Firm of Ruekert & Mielke.
Engineer Mielke gave the following reports:
The approximate costs on the current sewer project which is the
balance of the Little Muskego Lake area will be $10.45 per front
foot with a $240.00 charge for the lateral. He also reported that
there are 644 parcels in the district. '
As previously discussed, prior to the hearing, the firm of Ruekert
& Mielke will have a representative present in the city hall on June
17, 1970 from 7:30 to 9:00 P.M., on June 19, 1970, from 1:30 P.M to
4:30 P.M. and on June 20th, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. He will
answer any questions regarding the forthcoming sewer project. A news
releast has bean given to the newspapers along with a map showing
the property involved.
Lots 3 and 4 of Block 15, Jewel Crest Subdivision, were discussed
and it was agreed they would be serviced on the extension of Agate
Engineer Mielke indicated that the city can appoint inspectors for the
sewer project and that they would be accepted by the Metropolitan
Sewer Commission providing they meet the requirements. ZIt was agreed
that the City of Muskego would advertise for persons interested and
qualifying for this position.
Engineer Mielke agreed that Hillendale Heights could be serviced by
the current sewer project and that the lagoons could service this area.
He was directed to estimate the costs for sewering this area and report
said costs to the committee as soon as possible. It was agreed that
this project could not be started before the completion of the present
projects. It is very likely that they would possibly be started within
the next year.
Building Inspector Lee discussed present methods of hooking up to the
sewer laterals by property owners and the problems involved. He was
instructed to update the current Plumbing Code regarding sewer hook-up
Engineer Mielke advised that their firm would prepare the necessary
letter to the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission with reference to the firm
having the authority to submit the next phase of the sewer plans.
It was agreed by the committee that
reference to Ordinance #155, Sec. 5
to certain properties with only one
10 the sewers.
a resolution be drafted with
(k) regarding dual service charges
facility within the building using
Ald. Sapp moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ald. Wollman,
motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
Reespeccam{{Jt)) fullyssub`mii�tted,
R. A. Burg rmeister, Sec'y.