The meeting was called to order at 6:32 P.M.
Present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Sapp, Wollman, Narlock, Dwyer,
Foldy, DeBack and Burgermeister.
The minutes of the meeting held on May 18, 1970 were read and placed on
It was the committee's opinion that a wet service charge be charged
against those properties that are not hooked up within the prescribed
time as designated in Ordinance #127. A legal opinion is to be obtained
from the City Attorney regarding this charge including those houses that
do not meet the sanitary standards to have these services available.
A discussion regarding new homes being built and no service charge
until the home is occupied. The Building Inspector is to notify the
City Clerk when the home is completed and ready for occupancy and
charges are to accrue from that date.
Aid. Wollman moved that a minimum assessment of fifty (50) feet be
•assessed against any property to be sewered in the future. Seconded
by Aid. Burgermeister. The motion did not carry.
Aid. Sapp moved that a new assessment procedure be used in establishing
frontage on lots that front on cul de sacs, odd shaped, or on a curve
by using the average width of a lot. Seconded by Aid. Burgermeister.
The motion did not carry.
Aid. Burgermeister moved that the assessment roll for any new sewer
projects be presented to the committee for review prior to a public
hearing. Seconded by Aid. Wollman. Motion carried.
Letter from Attorney Buckley dated May 19, 1970, regarding deferred
assessments was read. A discussion took place regarding deferred
assessments to agricultural lands and it was requested by Mayor Gottfried
that all aldermen study this procedure before any action be taken at
the next sewer meeting.
Discussion took place regarding where premises are used for more than
one purpose. Aid. Sapp moved to recommend that Ordinance #155 (5) (j)
be amended to read that if the sanitary facility is located in the home
the regular home useage charge would apply and if the facility is located
in the business, the regular business useage charge would apply. Motion
• seconded by Aid. Wollman and carried.
The committee agreed that due to the unusal circumstances at the end of
Garnet Drive the O'Niell property be assessed the total frontage of
approximately 69 feet which would ordinarily front on Garnet Dr. and
that the Ripp property be charged the full frontage of their property
on Garnet Drive, and that the ripp Lot on the east side of Garnet Dr.
be assessed by past practice of using the setback of 40 feet and that
the Bennett property be assessed for the full frontage of their land
fronting on Garnet Drive.
kid. Burgermeister moved that a policy be set that no fill from the.
sanitary sewers be permitted unless a permit is issued by the Building
Inspector's or the Assistant Building Inspector's Office and that 90
days from date of issuance be allowed for levelling of fill, after which
date city.,to accomplish and charge against property owner's tax toll.
Seconded by Aid Sapp. Motion carried.
Discussion took place regarding the Hillview Lane Road in the Hillview
Plat not following the platted road. Attorney Buckley's letter dated
May 13 1970, referring to same was also discussed, Vction wil -be—taken
until the owner cah-,be contacted.
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