The meeting was called to order at 4:05 P.M.
Present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Wollman, Sapp and Burgermeister.
Also present were City Engineer Kelsenberg and Building Inspector Lee.
Correspondence from Mr. A. D. Schmidt, owner of the Nike Site off of
• Racine Avenue, regarding his request for sewers was read. Action was
deferred on this matter.
Ald. Burgermeiste
salary of the Plu
Utility, charging
and at the end of
would be prorated
and carried.
v moved to have the Finance Committee evaluate the
nbing Inspector regarding his services to the Sewer
his full salary at this time to the General Fund
the year his salary for his services to the Utility
to that account. Motion seconded by Ald. Wollman
Mayor Gottfried will direct a letter to the Metropolitan Sewerage
Commission regarding the qualifications of Inspectors for the forth-
coming sewer projects.
•The error in the sewer assessment of Karl Fohr, W172 S7491 Lake Drive
was discussed and it was referred to the City Clerk for action.
A letter dated April 28, 1970, from the Board of Appeals directed to
the Mayor and Council and the notice from the Building Inspector
recommending that certain properties not be serviced by sewers (non-
conforming structures) were read. Also, Paragraphs two and three of
the Sewer Committee meeting held March 23, 1970, referring to possible
changes to Ordinance #155, was referred to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance
Committee for action.
A letter from West Allis Savings & Loan, dated April 27, 1970, was
read regarding suggestions relating to sewer assessments and charges
was read. Action was deferred until Mr. Wallner could appear at a
Sewer Committee meeting to explain the suggestions contained in the
A letter from Dr. R. E. Lassa, dated April 10, 1970, regarding an
easement for sewers was read. Action was deferred until Dr. Lassa
can appear at a sewer committee meeting to discuss his request.
The sewer service charges for Dandilion Park were discussed and in
accordance with Ordinance #127, charges were to be in accordance with
useage by meter. Mayor Gottfried will contact Engineer Mielke for
verification of installation of meter and report back to the Committee.
Problems concerning the Arnold Schaefer property in the Northwest
Sewer District on Hillview Drive were discussed and referred to City
Attorney Buckley for a legal opinion regarding the street.
Ald. Wollman moved that the problems of the Jones property on Racine
Avenue were the owner's responsibility and no charges would be borne
by the City. Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried.
Ald. Sapp requested that
District that are now in
until the City Clerk can
in order that a study can
the problems of non -hookups within the Sewer
operation be resolved. Action was deferred
furnish a list of the properties not hooked up
be made.
Sewer Committee Meeting
City of Muskego 5/4/70
• Page 2.
Engineer Mielke has requested that the Committee study the proposed
area for sewers in the Northeast District and set a perimeter of the
area in order that their area can be completed. Such a study will
be made by the Committee and a report will be made to Engineer Mielke
at the next Sewer Committee meeting.
Mr. William Reeder's suggestions of special rules for assessments
to odd shaped lots was read. No action was taken until Engineer
Mielke can appear at the next meeting to discuss same.
A communication from Ruekert & Mielke, dated March 17, 1970, was
read and the following action was taken
Item #1. Ald. Burgermeister moved
on Lembezeder Drive at this time.
that no sewer shall be installed
Seconded by Ald. Wollman. Motion
Item #2. Engineer Mielke to appear at the next Sewer Committee meeting
to verify question.
• Item #3. Ald. Sapp moved that no sewers shall be extended onto the
penninsula at the end of Gold Drive at this time. Seconded by Ald.
Wollman. Motion carried.
Item #4 and #5 - The Committee concurred with previous action that
had been taken by the Sewer Committee meeting held on March 23, 1970.
Item #6. Ald. Wollman moved to service the Nike Site from either
Jewel Crest Dr., Ranch Dr. or Hardtke Dr., whichever is more feasible.
Seconded by Ald. Burgermeister. The motion carried, however, Ald.
Sapp voted "no".
Item P . Engineer Mielke to clarify this question at the next meeting.
Item #8. This question was answered at the Sewer Committee meeting held
on March 23, 1970, with error of referring to Paragraph 7 of letter.
The Committee concurred.
Item #9. No other streets or areas to be studied further for service
by sewers in this district at this time.
The Committee decided to hold the next Sewer meeting on Monday, May 18,
1970, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall.
Ald. Wollman moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ald. Sapp.
Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
` R6� Bur ermeister, See y.
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