PSEM19700323PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 23, 1970 - 4:00 P.M. Present were Mayor Wieselmann, Aldermen Budish, Wollman and DeBack. Also present were City Engineer Joseph Kelsenberg and Consulting Eng- ineer Mr. John Mielke. Discussion took place regarding businesses that are operated out of homes and where there are no sanitary facilities for public use, such • as Dietrich's Shoe Shop, Gerth Heating, Merkt's, etc. Following discussion as to whether or not the money that has been paid thus far by businesses operating out of homes should be refunded, Ald. Wollman moved to refund the money to thoses businesses who have paid their business charges thus far. Seconded by Ald. Budish, motion carried. Mayor Wieselmann indicated that there have been no new developments in the Parajecki matter. The matter of cottages that do not have plumbing at this time and are only used in summer and are located on the existing sewer line was discussed. The Committee also discussed the structural conditions of some of the cottages and Ald. Wollman moved not to force owners of old cottages to install sewers, only have them pay a standby charge. Seconded by Ald. is DeBack, motion carried. Mayor Wieselmann referred to.a communication from Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. dated March 17, 1970, directed to the Muskego Sewer Committee in which they requested opinions to several questions they have regarding the proposed sewer installation around Little Muskego Lake. The matter of installing sewers in Lembezeder Drive at this time was discussed. Ald. Wollman questioned if it would be possible to hook this area up at a later date and if it would make a difference in the cost. Mayor Wieselmann questioned if this would have any affect on Hi-Y Ranches. Mr. Mielke indicated that if Hi-Y Ranches were to be served they could go to a temporary lift station, however it would be with a force main to Hi-Y Drive. If it came through Wentland it would require 1400 feet of funnel. If it went through Hillview Dr. it would require 1600 feet of tunnel. If the area were to be served by gravity there is a time element involved and it might be years from now. In answer to a question from Mayor Wieselmann as to the cost of a life station, Mr. Mielke indicated that the cost of the force main would be approximately $10,000.00 and from $15,000 to $18,000.00 on the lift station. ABId. Budish stated that Lt would be his suggestion to pick up •the short ends now rather than pass them by. Ald. Budish moved to take Lembezeder Drive into the project at this time. Seconded by Ald. DeBack. Motion carried. With reference to question 2 from Ruekert & Mielke as to whether or not the sewers should extend to the last house on Wentland Dr. east of Racine Ave., Ald. DeBack moved to extend sewers to Racine Ave. (Hillendale Dr.) on Wentland Drive. Seconded by Ald. Budish. Motion carried. 4hWith reference to question 3 as to whether or n extended at this time onto the penninsula which (Paul DeAngelis), Ald. Budish moved that sewers penninsula. Seconded by Ald. Wollman. Motion of sewers should be is south of Gold Drive be extended to the carried. Public Sewer Committee City of Muskego 3/23/70 • .I L Discussion took place relative to the area surrounding Mill Valley School. Mr. Mielke reminded the Committee that 25% of the initial cost of a project could be secured through ORAP funds, however anything that would be added on later there would be no funds available. Ald. DeBack moved to extend sewers in the vicinity of Mill Valley School and to take in as much of the area as possible. Seconded by Ald. Budish. Motion carried. With reference to question 5 as to whether or not the sewers be extended on C.T.H. west of Preston Lane, Ald. Budish moved to eliminate sewers in this area at this time. Seconded by Ald. Wollman, motion carried. In regard to question 6 as to whether or not sewers be installed on Martin Drive between Jewel Crest Drive and Lannon Drive. Mr. Mielke stated that the Nike property would be served by sewers either from the east or west. Ald. DeBack moved to include the Nike site and before the assessment roll is completed a determination will be made as to which way it will be served. Seconded by Ald. Wollman, motion carried. Regarding question 7 as to whether or not sewers should be extended east on Island Dr. to Martin Dr. Ald. DeBack moved that sewers be • extended south on Hardtke Drive to serve Idle Isle. Seconded by Ald. Budish. Motion carried. • Discussion continued regarding the sewering of Hillendale Dr. and Hi-Y Ranches. Mr. Mielke stated that his firm has studied and designed Hillendale Heights. He also indicated that the phase following the Bay Shore area would go through Jewel Crest. Ald. Budish moved that the city follow Mr. Mielke's recommendation as to whether or not Hi-Y Ranches and Hillendale Heights should be one project. Discussion took place regarding road restoration. Ald. Wollman moved to bid sewer construction with or without street restoration as soon as possible. Seconded by Ald. Budish. Motion carried. Mayor Wieselmann stated that in the bidding, the "dust" clause should be tightened up. In the discussion of the Hillview Farm Plat, Mr. Mielke stated that the Geibel driveway showed a 40 ft. width on a recorded plat. Ald. Wollman moved to install sewers through the Lochcrest Plat and the Hillview Farm Plat along the lake rather than on Luehring Drive. Seconded by Ald. Budish. Motion carried. Mr. Mielke will check on the sewer assessment of Karl Fohr, W172 S7491 Lake Drive. Ald. DeBack moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Budish. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. h je Re ctfully submr// , J ne Elger, Deputy C rk