PSEM19690915PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • 'MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 Mayor Wieselmann called the meeting to order at 4:10 P.M. Also present were Sewer Committee members Aldermen Budish and Wollman, citizen member Albert Czarnecki, Consulting Engineer John Mielke, Mr. Larry Hammond, City Clerk Bette Bowyer, City Engineer Kelsenberg, it Building Inspector Gerald P. Lee and Aldermen Burgermeister and Sapp. Clerk Bowyer reviewed many of the existing problems in regard to the billing of service charges for use of sewers for buildings that have dual uses such as Arlene's Flower Shop, Gerth Heating Co., etc. A discussion also took place regarding the sewer service charge of $1.12 per student for the four quarters of the year. The Clerk also questioned the useage charge for Horn Field, the amusement park and the Fire Department. The two voting members of the Sewer Committee both indicated that definite rates would have to set for all situations and it was Mr. Hammond's suggestion that the ordinance be modified to suit the various situations •that now exist. It was also his suggestion that combined business and residences be charged the highest rate plus one-half of the residential charge. He also suggested that the Board of Public Works (entire Common Council) make the final determination in any situation which occurs that is not included in Ordinance #127, As Amended. Ald. Budish moved that Mr. Hammond and Mr. Buckley draft all of the necessary amendments to Ordinance #127, As Amended, and present them to the Common Council at their meeting to be held September 23, 1969. Seconded by Ald. Wollman, motion carried. Discussion took place regarding the legal lot status of the Keller property on Meadow Drive. Ald. Wollman moved that the Kellers be forgiven the annual standby charge providing that they accomplish such legal steps as are required by putting the property into a single parcel in accordance with the determination made by the City Attorney. Motion seconded by Ald. Budish and carried. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Parajecki appeared at the meeting to report that the sewer lateral that had been installed for them was 7� feet short. This matter would be checked out by Mr. Mielke. is In answer to a comment from Ald. Budish, Ald. Burgermeister indicated that the main reason he had been requesting that a sewer meeting be held was to find out when further action would be taken on Resolutions #90-68 and #141-68 (Re: Sewering the NW and NE Districts) Preliminary figures had been received, but no further action has been taken. Discussion of an additional assessable frontage of 879 feet on Bay Lane to the new Middle School took place. Ald. Budish moved that the Middle School frontage and one lateral as determined by Ald. Wollman, motion carried. be properly assessed for the the City Engineer. Seconded by • • • City of Muskego Sewer Committee Meeting September 15, 1969 Page 2. Aid. Wollman moved to assess Horn Field for 110 feet frontage and one lateral. Seconded by Aid. Budish, motion carried. Discussion took place regarding the road conditions after the installations of sewers. Aid. Budish and Mayor Wieselmann both commented that in their opinion the City Highway crew had done an excellent -job in restoring the streets after sewers had been installed. Discussion took place regarding the assessment of Wayne Peterson on Martin Drive. No determination made at this time. Generator equipment for possible sewer backup was discussed. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Mieike, Aid. Budish moved that the City Engineer investigate the purchase of a trash pump mounted on wheels and at the proper time make a recommendation to the Common Council. Seconded by Aid. Wollman. Motion carried. It was noted by Mr. Mielke that Mr. Masterson was to get a price for the installations of laterals under one contract. As of this date he has not heard from Mr. Masterson. Aid. Wollman moved that City Engineer Kelsenberg get estimates on the costs of hooking up the City Hall and City Garage and report his findings back to the Common Council. Seconded by Aid. Wollman, motion carried. Aid. Budish moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Aid. Wollman. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:23 P.M. J. Eiger, Recording Secretary