PSEM19680913MUNICIPAL SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF 14USKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 13, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 4:13 P.M. by Mayor Wieselmann Present were Mayor Wieselmann, Aldermen Budish, Linck and Wollman and Citizen Committee members Mr. Arthur Bostater and Mr. Albert Czarnecki. Also present were Aldermen Cooley, Burgermeister and DeBack and City Treasurer Jean Sanders and Building Inspector Lee. 0 Building Inspector Lee presented various sewer problems. His first question related to the Muskego Nursing Home on Highway 24. He indicated that they are having trouble with their septic system at the present time. It was determined that if the Nursing Home meets with State Requirements and bears the cost it would be possible for them to hook into the present system. His second question was, how long do home owners have before they attach to the main sewer. Following discussion, it was generally agreed that home owners must hook up to the sewer line within one year. Mayor Wieselmann indicated that there would be a full useage charge • during the period of one year after completion. Mayor Wieselmann stated that the Clerk's Office would be responsible for the notification of the completion date. Mr. Lee questioned what the approximate charge would be now as to when connection would be made to Metropolitan. Mayor Wieselmann answered that there is no known charge for Metropolitan at this time. Mr. Lee questioned as to whether or not a resident could possibly hook up in the back of his property if sewer runs both in the front and back. It was determined that a resident could hook up in back but he must pay full amount of frontage and a lateral assessment. Discussion took place as to whether or not commercial establishments such as the Muskego Nursing Home, the laundry, Dandilion Park, etc. should be metered. Mr. Bostater indicated that the usual thing is to meter the water system as to the gallons use. It was agreed that Mr. Lee would look into the situations as to how commercial establishments could be metered. Mr. Lee questioned as to whether or not undeveloped land can be added in without extending the Sewer District. He used the Foth property as • an example. He questioned whether or not this would be considered in the Sewer District if roads would go in, and, if it were extended would another Public Hearing be needed. Following discussion, it was agreed that the City will pick up the cost between the cost assessed in an area and the actual cost in the event the sewer main runs on an easement to a new development. 'The $7.85 per ft. charge would be paid either by the developer or owner - the difference would be paid by the City - laterals could be put in before new roads are installed. \Mayor Wieselmann stated that it had been agreed at the previous Sewer Committee meeting that the standby charge for an empty lot was $18.00 aud,that the useage charge had been established at $66.00. Considerable • Municipal Sewer Committee City of Muskego 9/13/68 Page 2. discussion took place as to whether or not the useage charge had been set too low, whether or not it should be a round figure (which would be better for the bookkeeping system) and the possibility of having a bonding company representative appear before Sewer Committee to help suggest a rate that would cover the amount to be borrowed by mortgage revenue bond. Aid. Budish moved to reconsider the $66.00 per year useage charge that had been established and raise it to $72.00. It was his feeling that the charge of $72.00 at least be tried for one year commencing November 1, 1968, and that at the end of the year it could possibly be lowered. The motion died for lack of a second. Discussion took place regarding the Millard property on Racine Ave. Mrs. Millard had requested a lateral in the path of a planned parkway. Following discussion, it was determined that the City would pay for the cost of such lateral in the future and that this policy would be adopted. Mayor Wieselmann reviewed the last paragraph of the Agreement between • St. Leonard's Church and the City of Muskego. Aid. Wollman moved to accept the Agreement with St. Leonard's Church as presented. Seconded by Aid. Budish, motion carried. Discussion took place as to how often billing should take place. It was agreed and Aid. Budish moved that sewer billing would take place quarterly and there would be a 10% late payment charge. Seconded by Aid. Linck, motion carried. Discussion was held as to date of billing. Aid. Budish moved that billing would take place by the first of the month (Jan. 1, April 1, July 1, and Oct. 1) and to be paid on or before the 15th. Seconded by Aid. Wollman, motion carried. Mayor Wieselmann brought up -the question of the Paepke property on Lannon Dr. Should they be assessed the entire width of their lot or should they be required to pay only as far as the sewer main extends? Several comparable situations were cited, such as property owners on Hiawatha and Kirkwood Drives, the Colburn property on Lake Dr., etc. Aid. Budish moved that the Paepkes pay for the entire width of their lot (the full assessment). Seconded by Aid. Wollman, motion carried. • Aid. Cooley questioned the status of the sewer plans around Little Muskego Lake. Mayor Wieselmann displayed the map that had been submitted by the City Engineer which showed the location of the proposed sewers around the lake. Aid. Wollman moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Linck, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:17 P.M. • Respectfully submitted, \, J. Elger, Recording Sec'y.