PSEM19680403MINUTES OF PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE MEETING - APRIL 3, 1968 PRESENT - Mayor Jerome Gottfried, Alderman Budish, Alderman Wollman, _40 Alderman Linck, Engineer John Mielke and Alderman Wieselmann. Mr. Mielke reported that the low bid on Sewer Project #5 was found to be deficient and upon the advice of Mr. Larry Hammond, the second bid of W. J. Lazynski is being recommended. Mayor Gottfried indicated that the City had received a letter from the 40 Dept. of Interior which informed him that a partial payment of $30,700.00 is now being processed for payment. He also stated that the estimated cost of the sewer projects would be $1,085,842.25 and that before any bids can be awarded it will be necessary that commitment for financing must be approved by the Common Council. In answer to a question from Mayor Gottfried as to whether or not it is agreed that we accept the bid of W. J. Lazynski, Mr. Mielke indicated that the City has two alternatives, first, we have the legal authority to reject the low bidder and accept the second bid and secondly, that we reject all bids and re -advertise. He further indicated that he felt that it would not be advantageous to re -advertise. Discussion took place regarding the revised computations as to deferred assessments, etc. Mr. Mielke stated that his firm will use all assessment •frontages and that it will be up to Mr. Brussett of the Milwaukee Company to make recommendations. Mr. Lazynski is requesting a deferred assessment. Mr. Mielke indicated that he hoped to make a final report yet this week. Mayor Gottfried stated that the City will be receiving $40,000.00 from the Federal Government and $40,000.00 from the State. A discussion took place regarding partial payments and it was determined that at no time can a partial payment be made -- The entire cost can be paid at one time prior to November 1, 1968, without any interest charge if they have notified the City by April 1, 1968, of their intent (Projects 1 - 5) or, the cost can be paid in 10 annual installments, interest charged on the unpaid balance. If entire payment is made after November 1, 1968, there will be penalty charge of one year's interest. The problem of Bethel Lutheran Church was discussed. Mr. Mielke indicated that the church is going to combine their 13 lots and they will be charged for only two laterals. The Lazynski and Vesbach properties were discussed. Mr. Les Pufall appeared indicating that the engineers did not put in the lateral for his property where he had put the stake and that the •lateral is too close to his well. Mr. Mielke stated that he will check into the situation and report back to the Sewer Committee. In the case of Assessment #634, Walter Rhead, Mr. Don Otto will contact Mrs. Rhead to determine to answer the question as to whether or not she can get three laterals for three lots. The assessment problems of Art Baas and Delber Guhr were discussed. No action was determined. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE je