40P.M., with Aldermen Budish, Linck, Wollman, Mayor Gottfried and Eng.
ohn Mielke.
The committee discussed that portion of the Vesbach agreement spelling
out the location of the fence on the west line. The proposal and agreement
locates the fence three feet from the west line. Mr. Vesbach was concerned
over the possibility of a dispute arising 8-10YEgnce. The committee agreed
that there would be no reason why the fence could not be relocated providing
Mr. Vesbach agrees to hold the City of Muskego harmless, said fence to be
located on the property line on the westerly line of the lagoon site.
Mr. Mielke reviewed the need of designating an official "pump man" and
an assistant. Maintenance of the pump requires daily inspection to insure
proper and continuous operation. The committee agreed that sin e.the
maintenance inspection would not exceed fifteen or twenty minute`f; 9 man
from the highway department could take care of this. The committee,
therefore, designated Mr. Willard Bertram and Mr. Kenneth Thode as
official pumpmen.
The need to replace drain tile along the North and East Dikes of the
Sewage Stabilization Pond, replacing tile disrupted by the construction
of the Pond, was discussed. C & C Construction Co., advised the engineer
that their price for this work would be $1,000.00. Mr. Vesbach has
-agreed to replace the tile if the City of Muskego would agree to share
We cost up to $1,000.00. The agreement will be drawn up by the City
Discussion followed regarding the Lazynski -Beck plot. Mr. Lazynski re-
quested that the interest and assessment be deferred as they have no
intent, at the present time, to develop their land. It was understood
by the committee that assessment might be deferred for 10-years, but
interest would have to met when platting. This policy still has not
been determined by the Council.
Recent correspondence regarding sewer assessments, interest charges, etc.,
received by the Council from Mr. Wallner of Greater Milw. Realty, Mayor
of the City of New Berlin, and City Attorney.
Mr. Mielke reviewed engineering progress made for the lagoon site to
serve the Northeast Sewer District. Iie related approval received thus
loar fromthe State, water tables were discussed, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M.