8:00 PM.
City Sewer Committee meeting held July 28, 1966
Chairman Weaver, A1d. Wollman, Mayor Gottfried met with 'Ir. Mugge, State
sanitary Engineer, State Board of Health, plus representatives of the "ilwaukee
Metropolitan sevarage Committee.
Mayor Gottfried discussed our problems in the eastern subdivsions as re—
gardi.g sewage disposal and how serious they can become over the next five year
period. Per/ Mr. Dan Widan reported that the South Shore Treatment Plant on
Puetz Rd. South Milwaukee will be in operation in about a year and a half.
64th and Drexel is under contract a 68th and Loomis lateral to Hales Corners
within the next year. A 5—year est. service to Martins to Muskego limits —
providing funds are still available.
142 million dollars is the sum that has been provided over the past few
years. They have asked for 16 million this year. Cost per tax —payer is now at
$3.50 per thousand and has been steadly going up.
City of Franklin could be a key to accelerate the program which would be
helpful to us, if the council of Franklin would ask for the sewrage program.
However Franklin has not the problems of population density that Muskego has.
A possibility of Federal or State Funds being provided in the Pollmtion
abatment program that might speed up and assist the financing of the sewer program
was discussed. State and Federal programs could be coincided to eleh'iate the
conservation problems of our lakes and streams.
Spec. — Present sewer as constructed is 12z feet in diameter at an average
depth of 75 feet. (all gravity feed) 560 gallons per second on 530 million
gallons can be processed per day.
Due to the approx. 10 year wait for Muskego Service: An additional plant
to serve MacLen Meadows, Fountain Wood, Bay Lawn, and Tess Corners area was pro—
posed to Mr. Muegge, State Repr. health Dept.
It was suggested that the Piayor draft a letter requesting the feasability
of this plant with tentative approval to go ahead with a preliminary study of this
Permission to construct an actinated sludge pond with clorination of effluent
or a ridge and furrow system, that would provide absorbtion.
The Sewer Committee to provide necessary ordinances to govern and control
foundat_on water into this system. Letter drafted and presented to Mr. Muegge.
Adj. 11:20 P.M.
Chairman M.H. Weaver
A joint meeting of the Finance Committee and City Sewer Committee was held
Aug. 3rd at 7:30 P.M.
The sewer committee discussed a need for funds for a preliminary survey
of the Tess Corners, Fountain Wood, Mac Len Meadows, and Bay Lawn areas, and
agreed to a sum not to exceed $2000.00.
A resolution will be drawn to affirm this request. All members - Ald.
Wollman, Ald. Budish, and Weaver having agreed on this proposal to be presented
to the council for their approval.
Resp. Submitted,
Chairman ;leaver
City Sewer Committee