PSEM19650927/ 9 (' MINUTES OF XthA CIAL MEETING OF THE SEWER SITE COMMITTEE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 2T 11:00 A.M. PRESENT: Ald. DeAngelis, Ald. Wieselmann, Mayor Gottfried, Walter Vesbach, Donald Polzin and Attorney Piakowski. Mayor Gottfried reviewed to those present the past history of the negotiations which have been previously held with Mr. Walter Vesbach. Mayor Gottfried indicated that for the purpose of negotiation that the $2,000 per year rental which had been offered by the Committee previously had been presented to some of the Council members and from their comments it was felt that this was a reasonable amount to pay based on the fact that most of the land which is rented in the City of Muskego is rented in the vicinity of $15 to $25 per acre. It was feeling that the excess rental would cover some of the loss of the use of value of the adjoining of lands on the south side of Woods Road if, in fact, there was any devaluation of the land as a result of the lagoon. Mr. Vesbach indicated that he felt that this was a different situation and indicated that he had been approached about a year ago to rent the land to a sod farmer for $75 per acre. He did, however, state that he could not remember the name of the man. Mr. Vesbach indicated that he was concerned what would happen if after ten years metropolitan sewers had still not yet reached this area. Mayor Gottfried indicated that he felt the Council could guarantee r vacating the land at the end of the ten year period. Mayor Gottfried indicated that there were several lagoons 4 this type built in the following areas such as Greendale, New Berlin and that at least in his opinion the surrounding property owners did not seem to object to it. Attorney Piakowski felt the land in the Muskego area was not at such a premium as it is in other areas where such a lagoon has been placed. As for an example, in Greendale where homes are built right near the open sewage ponds land is at a premium and very scarce. Attorney Piakowski felt that the presence of the lagoon would ruin the north side of the Woods Road. That is, it would ruin the property on the north side of Woods Road for residential development until the lagoon itself was removed. It was his feeling that this offer was way out of line. He asked the question why Vesbachts property was picked upon - he also indicated that when in the past what might have been considered submarginal land has often turned out to be premium land as a result of proper development. He felt that the property owned by Mr. Vesbachts was a case of point. In answer to the question of Attorney Piakowski, Mayor Gottfried indicated that according to their engineers this was the most logical site because of the fact that it is on marginal land, is relatively isolated, and the State Board of Health has given its approval to the location. In answer to a question to Mr. Pol.zin whether or not the south side of the Woods Road had ever been considered for residential development in regards to the development of propertys owned by Mr. Vesbach on the north side of Woods Road. He indicated that although nothing had been presented to the Planning Commission that in the planning development of the Vesbach Property on the north side of Woods Road, the south side property, that is the property on the south side of Woods Road, was considered as part of the overall development. Alderman DeAngelis asked Walter Vesbach if he would be willing to reconsider his original presentation to the Council and submit what he considered a justifiable amount of money as then. Mayor Gottfried indicated that in arrivingst the offered price of purchase two appraisals which were nearly equal were considered. Attorney Piakowski indicated that he felt that Mr. Walter Vesbach had a better chance if this were submitted to a jury trial. He felt that Walter Vesbach had nothing to lose if this should go into condemnation courts. Mayor • Gottfried indicated that it was his opinion that not only the City but Mr. Vesbach, because of tax advantages, would be better off if some agreement could be reached. Page 2 Alderman DeAngelis asked Walter Vesbach how much he would sell the land for? Mr. Vesbach indicated that he did not care to sell because he felt that he would have nothing to say about the future use of this land. Attorney Piakowski asked how the City Council could in good faith change the rental price offered and make it a great deal lower than previously offered under the old agreement. Mayor Gottfried indicated that the present Council felt that the agreement reached in 1962 was excessive. Mayor Gottfried indicated that if Mr. Vesbach submitted an offer substantially less than the original $5,000.00 per year rental price the Council would have something to consider. Mayor Gottfried asked Walter Vesbach to consider how far down he would be willing to come from his original offer. He also indicated that speaking for himself personally he would be willing to submit a $2500 per year rental figure to the Council for their consideration or in lieu of this the offer of purchase at the rate of $500 per acre. Walter Vesbach also indicated some consideration would have to be made for the devaluation of the farm which is less than his own home as a result of the placement of the sewage lagoon. After a brief recess in which Mr. Vesbach, his Attorney and engineer met outside of the Mayorls office, Mr. Vesbach came back and offered to lease the land to the City of Muskego at $190 per acre, which for the 21.3 acres would mean $4,000.00 per year. He indicated that if • this was not acceptable to the Council he would take his chances on condemnation. Ald. Weiselmann stated that in his opinion the prices asked for the land both on a rental basis as well as the proposed purchase price were premium prices. He indicated that the school had recently purchased a great deal better land for $1,000 per acre. Based on this figure he did not feel that he could agree to pay Vesbach's asking price. Mayor Gottfried then advised Mr. Vesbach that he would submit to the Council for their consideration his price of $190 per acre. If this is not acceptable to the Council they would procede on with the condemnation based on the offering of $500.00 per acre. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Don Weiselmann Note: Later in the afternoon of the same date Mr. Vesbach contacted Mayor Gottfried and advised him that he would be willing to to lease the 21.3 acres in question to the City of Muskego for $3500.00 per year. 6W 9/27/65 je