PWAM19880218• PUBLIC WATER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 18, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 8:35 P.M. by Chairman Hilt. Also present were Committee Members Sanders and Patterson, Mayor Salentine and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed status of Water Projects. City Engineer Ken Ward has supplied the following information: MW-1-87 - Project is finaled out - all work complete. MW-2-87 - $2,000 is being held back from the Contractor for -Michael Dubiak's ditch work. Fire Hydrants are to be replaced under the direction of the Utility Superintendent. MW-3-87 - Project will be closed out in Spring of 1988. MW-4-87 - The ditch replacement on Woods Road, adjacent Co Meadow Green Subdivision, has not been completed. MW-5-87 - Project is finaled out - all work complete. • The Committee reviewed correspondence from City Engineer Ken Ward regarding costs for asphalting the south end of Woods Road at Lannon Drive. The Committee deferred action until the March meeting and requests that the City Engineer determine what the asphalting cost would have been if completed with original project. The Committee reviewed the status of the Guernsey Meadow Water Trust. It was noted that the agreement for Common Council approval is to be acted upon at the February 23, 1988 Common Council meeting subject to the required easements being obtained by the Guernsey Meadows Homeowner s Association. Kristin Down Homeowner's Association is in the process of supplying the necessary documents as requestd by the City Attorney. Installation of the 4" water main to service the Muskego Nursing Home has been completed. Ald. Patterson moved that Muskego Nursing Home be responsible for the cost of the 4" service had it been installed originally and be credited for the 2" service assessment. The additional cost of boring should be paid one- half by the City Engineers and one-half by the City's Water Utility. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. 0 F • Public Water Committee - Page 2 February 18, 1988 The Committee discussed the proration for Deferred Water Assessment for Squire Glenn and Meadow Green Subdivisions. The terms for the proration are as follows: The assessable road frontage, plus any watermain extension costs, will be prorated against the lots abutting the improvement, thus removing the assessment from the balance of the lots involved with the property. Assessments will be paid at 125% of their proration. The laterals will continue to be paid on a two year payment plan and the unpaid balance, per lot, will be paid upon sale. The prorated lot assessments will be due and payable at the end of five years. The Committee reviewed the preliminary Engineer's Report and the preliminary Assessment Roll for the Bay Lane Water Project. Assessment numbers 8, 11 and 12 were computed correctly using the frontage along B g Lane only. The Pellmanns will be assessed for the cost of the 8' watermain extensions for the future Squire Glenn Subdivision for a total cost of $4,049.20 which should be added to the assessable frontage cost for Pellmann property to calculate into the proration formula. The corner parcel on the • Northeast corner of Woods Road and Bay Lane should not be given a water service, as the property owners do not wish it at this time. All lots which could be serviced in the front from Bellview/Bay Lane (2199.007, 2199.008, 2+99--010-, 2d-99.044-, 2199.015, 2199.016, 2199.017) will be assessed at the same frontage as on the final roll for the Bellview/Bay Lane Sewer Project. The front foot rate for 1988 water projects will be $14.63 per foot as recommended by Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson in his report to the Public Water Committee dated February 18, 1988, in which he used the increase in the cost of living index of 4.5% which resulted in the 63� escalation. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ca lJ Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick Patterson Secretary