PWAM19880121• PUBLIC WATER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 21, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Hilt. Also in attendance were Committee Members Sanders and Patterson, Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Mr. Bob Klenz and a representative from the Muskego Sun. The Committee reviewed the status of water projects and directed the Highway Supt. to follow up on items referred to in the December 3, 1988 Public Water Committee minutes. The City Engineer is working with a water contractor to facilitate installation of the water connection for Muskego Nursing Home. The specifications for the Bay Lane to Woods Road water project have been let for bids. Mr. Bob Klenz informed the Committee that plans for Squire Glenn Subdivision on Bay Lane & Woods Road have been submitted for preliminary plot approval. The Subdivision will be done in phases and will consist of approximately 87 lots. • Correpondence dated January 21, 1988, from City Engineer Ken Ward was reviewed in regard to the feasibility of extending the watermain in Woods Road from Bay Lane to approximately 800 ft. east of Bay Lane. The proposed watermain extension would involve the construction of a 12" watermain and related facilities. It is feasible to extend the main at this time, however, the City Engineer is strongly recommending that no service connections be allowed until the City takes over the Guernsey Meadows Water Trust. The estimated cost of the watermain extension would be $65,520. This project could be completed during the 1988 construction season. Ald. Patterson moved to deny the extension. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the status of the Guernsey Meadow Water Trust. The City is awaiting PSC approval before executing the agreement which will take over the Water Trust. The City Attorney and City Engineer are working to secure all the necessary information for Kristin Downs Water Trust. The Committee reviewed the DNR report on the Sanitary Survey of the City of Muskego Water Utility, dated 12/28/87, which asked that prompt consideration be given the report. The report indicated that the Utility appeared to be very good and the operators should be commended for the cleanliness and excellent upkeep of the facilities. The following conclusions and • recommendations were addressed: • Public Water Committee - January 21, 1988 Page 2 1. G. P. Lee has contacted Mr. Greg Pilarski and has mailed a copy of the City's private well abandonment procedure adopted in 1985. 2. The Utility agrees that as more customers are added to the system, the Utility will review well and storage capacity to ensure that there is an adequate supply of water at all times. Future plans include the disconnection of the City Garage well from the Municipal System. 3. A cross -connection control inspection and valve/hydrant maintenance program will take place each time an inspection is required to test water meters. 4. It was suggested that once the Utility has more users, that a survey be sent to all users requesting their comments on whether or not they would be in favor of fluoridation. 5. City Engineers should be requested to provide the DNR with a current distribution map with a listing of all water main types, lengths and diameters. Fire flow testing data should also be sent with this submittal. • 6. Plans and specifications for any improvements or modifications are prepared by Ruekert & Mielke, which is a part of the City's standard operating procedure. The Committee reviewed request for water service for two residents on Park Drive. The Committee advised the residents to contact Mr. John Ingersoll to determine status of development of the Dandilion Park area and also to survey Park Drive residents for cooperation in obtaining water. The Committee discussed the proposed combining of the Public Sewer Committee and Public Water Committee into one Utility Committee. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend to Rules, Laws, & Ordinance Committee the combining of the two committees into one Utility Committee effective May 1, 1988. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried with Ald. Patterson voting "no". Ald. Sanders moved to authorize overtime pay for the Utility Superintendent at the rate of pay of the Utility Maintenance Man, per the negotiated settlement. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ca Ald. Patrick Patterson