PWAM19871203PUBLIC WATER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 3, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Hilt. Also present were Committee Members Sanders and Patterson, Mayor Salentine and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and placed on file. Mr. Jerry Knepprath, Plumbing & Pumping, Inc., appeared before the Committee in regard to the misplaced water service at St. Francis Savings & Loan on Janesville Road. He stated that he had placed the stake, to indicate placement, south of the well casing. Due to the fact that the placement was not the shortest route for providing water service, St. Francis Savings & Loan incurred additional expenses of $790. (100 ft. of service at $7.90/ft.). The Committee was receptive to splitting the cost because they recognized that the contractor did not place the water in the most economical place and St. Francis Savings & Loan will accept one-half of the extra cost because the responsibility of monitoring the placement of the stake was not adhered to. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend that the Water Utility be responsible for $395. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Clerk is directed to send a letter to Mr. Greg Wilkum, at St. Francis Savings & Loan, advising him of the Committee's action, with a copy to Mr. Knepprath. • The Committee reviewed status of Water Projects. It was noted that under MW-1-86 project, three fire hyrdants were removed and have not been reinstalled by Madison Underground. The Public Works Superintendent is checking into the matter. It was noted that restoration on Hillendale South has been completed and restoration on Hillendale North has been done by the City. The Public Works Superintendent has assured Mr. Mike Dubiak that he drainage concern on Janesville & Hillendale'will be corrected by the contractor or the City. The electrical complaint received for the Union 76 Station, MW-3 Water Project, has not been corrected. Ald. Patterson moved that the Public Works Department complete all necessary restoration and electrical work and bill back to the Contractor in order to complete all projects. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee discussed the error in water service for Muskego Nursing Home on Janesville Road. Mayor Salentine informed the Committee that the Building Inspector has been working with City Engineer Ken Ward who has been unable to obtain quotes from the contractors. The Committee determined that the Building Inspector should continue to work closely with the City Engineer to try to obtain cost figures so that the proper water service can be installed. After project is complete, the responsibility for the payment of the service will be resolved. l ' w Public Water Committee - Page 2 December 3, 1987 • The Committee reviewed the Rules & Regulations for the Public Service Commission along with a memorandum from the City Clerk explaining that all rates have been set by the PSC and that any discrepancy between the City's Water Utility Ordinance and the PSC rates will require an amendment to the Water Utility Ordinance. Ald. Patterson moved to rescind any recommended change in rates noted in the November 2, 1987 Public Water Committee minutes. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee also determined that all Bulk Water sales will be limited to weekdays, during normal business hours. The Committee reviewed the extension of the water main on Bay Lane Road to Woods Road. The letter of support written by Mr. Bill Simmons, W164 57566 Bay Lane, was reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Patterson moved to direct City Engineer to determine feasibility and cost to extend water east on Woods Road approximately 800 ft. to serve ten new lots. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend changing Water Assessment policy to reflect proration of assessments. Proration should be at 125% and reviewed on a per parcel request. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. The Committee reviewed water plans for Woodcrest Heights Subdivision along with Ruekert & Mielke's letter of November 5, wherein they state their concerns for the completion of the looping system on Racine Avenue.. Ald. Hilt moved to approve the water plans. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee noted that the cost of a controlled access water main is the responsibility of the Utility. The Committee reviewed the proposed job description for the Utility Superintendent. Ald. Hilt moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried with Ald. Patterson casting the only dissenting vote. The Committee discussed status of meter readings for quarterly billing. Metered users will receive their bill based on a metered reading and non -metered users will receive a bill in accordance with the temporary rate schedule mandated by the Public Service Commission. The Committee reaffirmed their decision to have the property owners listed in the Waste Management Contract, who had laterals installed to within five (5) feet of their house, notified that the agreement required connection. • Public Water Committee - Page 3 December 3, 1987 • The Mayor informed the Committee that Guernsey Meadows Homeowners Association, represented by Bob Gunderson, is interested in having the City's Water Utility accept the assets of their Water Utility by January 1, 1988. The Attorney representing Guernsey Meadows has been directed to contact the City's Attorney to finalize the transfer. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. ca • • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick Patterson Secretary IZ7zl oo �` y/¢-7fr-;-&-72 I _