PWAM19871102• PUBLIC WATER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 2, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Hilt. Also present were Committee Members Sanders and Patterson. The Committee reviewed the Status Projects report from Ken Ward for all water projects. It was noted that the light at Union Gas Station has not been repaired and the Committee directed the City Clerk to correspond with Ken Ward to determine status. A further discussion was held on the misplaced water service for St. Francis Savings & Loan. The Committee would like a representative of St. Francis Savings & Loan Association to be present at the December meeting. The Committee discussed the request of Klenz/Salentine for a settlement for Parkland Extended water assessment for the cost of the lateral extension and the 60 foot road dedicated frontage. Ald. Hilt made the Committee aware that Mr. Klenz, Mayor Salentine and he discussed the matter on October 26, 1987, and is recommending a compromise to the Committee to divide the frontage assessment equally for the Subdivider and the City and to divide • the lateral cost with 1/3 to be the Subdivider's responsibility and 2/3 the responsibility of the Water Utility. The Committee recommended that the City Attorney draft a settlement agreement. The Committee discussed water service for the Muskego Nursing Home. Muskego Nursing Home has recently advised the City that in order for the them to connect their existing sprinkler system, it would be necesary for them to have a 4" or 6" water service. Through the MW-3-87 contract, they have received a 2" water service. Ald. Patterson moved to credit the Muskego Nursing Home for the existing service and charge them for either the 4" or 6" water service and that all additional costs for installation should be paid by Ruekert & Mielke. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee feels that Ruekert & Mielke have access to all city records and it is their responsibility to design accurately a system for the nursing home. The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Clerk and has made the following recommendations: Schedule B-1 - Bulk Water - A $15.00 Service Charge, plus fee of $3.10 per 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof, prepaid, for all fills, unless under contract agreement. Fills will be limited to weekdays, during Water Utility hours, upon presentation of permission slip. • Public Water Committee - Page 2 November 2, 1987 • Schedule R-1 - Reconnection Charges - Committee recommendation is as follows: Reinstallation of meter $25.00; $50.00 after normal working hours. Valve turned on at curb $15.00; $30.00 after normal working hours. Schedule Cz-1 - Defer to December meeting for further clari ication trom City Engineer. Schedule D-1 - Committee recommended staying with existing schedule a� s provided for in Water Utility ordinance. Schedule H-1 - Hydrant Charge - The Committee recommends that t er—e —e a sevice charge of $15.00, a hydrant wrench deposit of $10.00, and a reducer charge of $10.00. The Committee reviewed correspondence received from the Building Inspector in regard to water connections. Section 28.04 (27) of the Muncipal Code states that plumbers are prohibited from turning water into any service pipe. The Committee determined that the Utility Operator should be in charge of turning on the • water. Section 28.05 (4)(e) states that if the owner of a private well that was tested unsafe or has filed to obtain a well permit refuses or neglects to permanently abandon their well prior to September 1, 1987, the Utility may without notice permanently seal the well and place the cost on the tax roll. The Committee determined that wells should only be abandoned and sealed if declared unsafe for human consumption per DNR standards as determined by well test. Section 28.05 (f) of the Municipal Code states that owner or applicant applies to the City for a permit for the construction of a new well. An amendment of this section of the Code will have to be made as the City cannot issue a well permit, this is handled through the State. Ald. Sanders moved to incorporate the above changes into an ordinance to amend the Munucipal Code. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Clerk and Utility Clerk regarding properties that are part of the Waste Management Agreement who have not connected to the Water Utility. Ald. Patterson moved to direct the City Clerk to send letters to all properties in the Waste Management Agreement that have not connected to the Water Utility and advise that the deadline for hooking into the system will be ninety (90) days from the date of the letter and failure to adhere will constitute a forced hook- up; with all charges being added to their tax bill. • Public Water Committee - Page 3 November 2, 1987 • The Committee deferred action on review of Woodcrest Heights water plans until December meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. ca • 0 Respectfully submitted, Ald. Patrick Patterson Secretary