PWAM19870423PUBLIC WATER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 23, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Hilt. Also present were Committee Member Dumke, Mayor Salentine and Mr. & Mrs. Kosobucki. Ald. Patterson was absent. The Committee reviewed the status and timetable for the MW-3. MW- 4 and MW-5 Water Projects. The restoration of the MW-1 and MW-2 water projects were discussed and it was noted that the restoration and asphalting will be completed when weather permits. Mr. Kosobucki appeared before the Committee to discuss request for individual wells for the Golden Country Estates. The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Engineers dated April 23, 1987 and a memorandum from the Building Inspector dated April 20, 1987. After considerable discussion Ald. Hilt moved that the Subdivision be developed with individual wells. There was no second to the motion, so a determination will be requested at the Common Council meeting of April 28, 1987, for indiviudal consideration of the question. • The City Engineer's report for bacteriological sampling of private wells dated April 23, 1987 was reviewed and the City Clerk is requested to contact Waukesha Department of Health for additional information and a list of firms that could be contacted to do this type of work. The Committee reviewed the Final Resolution for MW-1-86 and MW-2- 86 Water Projects. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend to Council that the Final Resolution for MW-1-86 and MW-2-86 be amended to incorporate the terms listed in the Final Resolution for MW-3-87 and MW-5-87 Water Projects. This will provide for a uniform policy on Janesville Road. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. Amendments to Chapter 28, Water Ordinance, were discussed as follows: 28.05(2)(a) - Mandatory Hook-up - Should be amended to incorporate: 1. If a well test indicates contamination, chlorination or other methods may be taken to correct the problem A second well test must be taken within 30 days. If that test indicates contamination, the property must be connected to the water system within 60 days. If that test indicates no contamination, no further action is necessary. • 2. Determination as to who will perform the well testing. 28.05(4)(b) and (c) to be amended accordingly. 4 Ll Public Water Committee - Page 2 April 23, 1987 28.05(4)(e) - Permanent Abandonment Procedure - amend to state that the Building Inspection Department will do inspections. 2.8.05(4)(f) - Delete (refers to issuing of well permits and only the State can issue these permits). 28.04(6) - Installation of Meters - amend to clarify that the reading of meters will be the responsibility of the water utility employee. Ald. Hilt moved to recommend the above amendments to the Water Utility at such time as the water test determination is made. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Request for water service for Woods Road & Hwy. 24 was removed from the Agenda. The Committee reviewed the City Engineer's letter datd April 14, • 1987, wherein the DNR was contactd to see if at the present time it is required to record water and chemical pumpages on weekends. Mark Ishihara of the DNR Southeast District Office told the City Engineers that, initially, it would be acceptable to skip weekends. Mark indicated that as more customers are connected to the system, a time will come when weekend recording will be necessary. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ca 0 Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Acting Secretary