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The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Hilt.
Also present were Committee Member Dumke, Mayor Salentine, Roland
Linck and Laura Mecha. Ald. Patterson was absent.
The Committee reviewed the status of the Water Projects.
MW-1-86/MW-2-86 Muddy culvert complaints have been addressed by
the Engineer and the leak at Highway 24 and Hillendale has been
corrected by the contractor, Michels Pipeline.
MW-3-87 All required easements have been provided to the
property owners and are in the process of being obtained.
M-1-5-87 Temporary construction easements have been provided to
time property owners and there have been no objections to
providing the temporary easement.
The Committee noted that the City has received DNR approval on
the amended MW-3-87 water project to include Janesville Court.
Highway 24 and Lannon Drive assessment roll was reviewed. Mr.
• Roland Linck appeared before the Committee to voice his concerns
on the assessment of his property on Highway 24. The property
has 170 ft. of frontage, in comparison to a narrow average
width. The Committee did not recommend changing the assessment,
because the assessment policy covers footage abutting
The Committee reviewed the City Engineer's correspondence of
February 9, 1987, and determined that many of the concerns were
addressed by establishing a policy that all assessments that abut
the water improvement will not be calculated as a corner lot
status since the timetable for extending water to the side
streets is unknown. This will require all laterals to be placed
on the water service route. A letter is requested to be sent by
the Clerk to the property owners that have requested laterals
other than on the water service route.
The following determinations were made to the assessment roll:
Assessment No. 6 - Muskego Elementary School will be assessed
392.20 ft. on Janesville Road
Assessment No. 7 - The Pizza Burger Systems, Inc., assessment
• shall be calculated as commercial property rather than
Public Water Minutes
- Page 2
February 23, 1987
Assessment No. 10 -
Park Master Attractions shall be calculated
as Commercial with a
controlled access.
Assessment No. 12 thru
18 - All tax exempt property owned by the
Bethel Lutheran Church
shall be considered Institutional.
Assessment No. 26 and
27 - National Savings & Loan will be
assessed 357.62 ft.
Assessment No. 28 -
John Lufkin property should be assessed 54.98
ft. with a lateral.
Assessment No. 29 -
City of Muskego should be assessed to Harding
at 49.92 ft. with a
lateral, as his access to a water line will
be through a City easement.
Assessment No. 43 -
Sindic Olds should be assessed 485.9 ft.
Assessment No. 45 &
46 - The footage involved with the Betty
Lausted property was
clarified to be 22 ft. and the County will
be "0" ft.
Assessment No. 49 -
Benson Oil should be assessed 225 ft.
Assessment No. 58 -
Goodsen should be assessed 53.5 ft.
Assessment No. 59 -
Loebel should be assessed 62 ft.
Assessment No. 60 -
Mecha should be assessed 77.5 ft.
Assessment No. 61 -
Skowronski should be assessed 99.5 ft.
The assessments for the above properties (Assmt. 58 thru 61) on
Janesville Court were determined to be calculated by taking the
average width of the lot at the 50 ft. setback line, from the
lake, and taking a line 50 ft. back from the right-of-way of
Janesville Court and average the two widths for an assessable
Assessment No. 71 & 72 - Kelm should be combined into one
assessment of 170 ft.
Assessment No. 73 - Lassa should be assessed 121.95 ft.
Assessment No. 97 - Betty's Beauty Bar should be assessed 244.33
• MW-4-87
Assessment No. 25 - Change name to Ludwig/Strampe and assessment
should be 565 ft.
The question was raised as to the possibility of agriculture
deferments. There will be no agriculture deferments as the
Committee recommended adopting Resolution #239-86 (Establishing
Intent Regarding Water Utility) and Resolution #281-86 (Amendin
Intent Regarding Water Utility As Adopted by Resolution $239-86�
for the above projects.
The Fire Department's request to locate the fire hydrant west of
the intended location met with the Committee's approval.
Laura Mecha appeared before the Committee to make the Committee
aware that she wished to have the fire hydrant that is proposed
for Janesville Court relocated since it is in a snow plowing area
and also due to the narrow frontage involved with the lots on the
cul-de-sac. The Mayor was directed to discuss the relocation of
the hydrant with the City Engineer to see if it is feasible to
relocate the hydrant adjacent to the water main on Highway 24.
If it is feasible, it will enhance fire protection by having the
hydrant in a close proximity to the property south of Janesville.
To address the questions raised by the Clerk as to billing
procedure, the Committee determined that an average of the last
three month's bill be used to determine the average cost in the
event of a malfunctioning meter and that a policy be established
if an error in payment is made, which is less than $5.00, that
the penalty be waived.
The Committee reviewed the Water Assessment policy.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
Acting Secretary