13, 1986
The meeting was called to order at 8:50 P.M. by Chairman Hilt.
Also present were Committee Members Patterson and Dumke, Mayor
Salentine, Ald. DeAngelis and those per the attached list.
MW-1-86 and MW-2-86 water projects were reviewed. The projects
are in the process of being constructed. Mr. Dale Lofquist, W207
S8170 Hillendale, appeared before the Committee to request being
included in the MW-2-86 project. Ald. Dumke moved to authorize
the Mayor to contact the project engineer and implement the
necessary steps to accomplish this request. Seconded by Ald.
Patterson, motion carried.
Chairman Hilt reviewed with the Committee amended Resolution
#239-86, Establishing Intent Regarding The Water Utility. After
considerable discussion with residents, Ald. Dumke moved to
recommend Council adoption of the terms listed in the Intent
Resolution. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried.
The Committee felt that the Informational Hearing concerns have
been addressed by the Intent Resolution.
The MW-3-86 water project boundaries were determined to be from
• Mercury to Lannon, and Lannon to Woods Road. The area on Highway
24 from Lannon to Bay Lane will be let for bids as a separate
project, which will then give the Committee the opportunity to
review the costs and to react to the decision of the Guernsey
Meadows homeowners.
Mr. Roland Link, who owns property on Janesville Road, requested
that the Committee address his concern as to whether or not two
meters can be installed on one lateral to service a home and a
business. The Committee will research and have this information
available at the December meeting.
The residents of Kristin Downs Subdivision expressed their
inability to make a determination as to being part of the
municipal water system because of the lack of rate structure
being provided by the Public Service Commission. The Committee
proposed to the Kristin Downs Homeowners Association that a
lateral be installed as part of the MW-3-86 project and that the
cost of this lateral will be the Homeowners Association
The Meadow Green Subdivider's agreement was reviewed as to the
availability of municipal water. The Committee felt that the
agreement must provide for two options with water service either
by a community well or city water. The Committee's
• recommendation is to provide city water if the Common Council is
receptive to awarding the bid for that project.
• Public Water Committee - Page 2
November 13, 1986
The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Engineers
regarding a settlement problem that has occurred on one of the
pressure tank piers in the Racine Avenue pumphouse. The
Committee deferred action to give the Highway Supt. an
opportunity to determine if he can correct the settlement
The Committee reviewed the memorandum from the City Clerk
regarding determining the basis to require connection to the
water system once a well becomes contaminated. The City
Engineers are recommending the following policy:
If a well test indicates contamination, chlori-
nation or other methods may be taken to correct
the problem. A second well test must be taken within
30 days. If that test indicates contamination, the
property must be connectd to the water system within
60 days. If that test indicates no contamination,
no further action is necessary.
• Ald. Patterson moved to recommend that the Water Utility
ordinance be amended to include the above policy. Seconded by
Ald. Dumke, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Patrick Patterson
t G,C .DELLr'/ 776