The meeting was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by Chairman Hilt.
Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Patterson, Ald.
DeAngelis, Ald. Taube, Mayor Salentine and those per the attached
The Committee reviewed the status of the MW-1-86 and MW-2-86
water project and indicated that there is an anticipated
construction date of October 16, 1986.
The MW-3-86 water project plans are in the process of being
Correspondence received from Mr. Pat Higgins dated October 3,
1986, in regard to a piece of property with frontage on the south
side of Janesville Road and frontage on Mercury Drive was
reviewed and it was agreed that the assessment is incorrect and
will be adjusted. The consensus of the Committee was not to take
action in the event that there may be other assessment objections
to review.
• The Water Capacity Assessment public hearing comments were
reviewed and discussion continued on the Water Capacity
Assessment District. The Mayor and the Chairman of the Public
Water Committee met with the Financial Consultant and City
Engineer to formulate an assessment policy which would address
the concerns from the public hearing. The proposal being
explored is to defer front foot assessments until time of
connection and establish an increased Water Capacity Assessment
for new construction. The audience was very receptive.
The concern of the Committee is that the immediate voluntary
connections that are made, plus the Water Capacity Assessment
charges collected from new construction will be sufficient for
debt retirement so that an undue debt burden will not be placed
on the Utility. The audience was assured that no action would be
taken until it was thoroughly reviewed at a future Public Water
Committee meeting.
Ald. Taube raised concerns as to the water quality, cost, well
monitoring and the Water Capacity Assessment District.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Engineer
requesting a decision as to whether Janesville Court should be
included in the MW-3-86 water project and Ald. Dumke moved to
include Janesville Court in the plan preparation for this
• project. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried.
The Committee acknowledged receipt of the following petitions
that addressed the Water Capacity Assessment notice:
Public Water Committee - Page 2
October 9, 1986
72 Signatures from Kristin Downs Subdivision
28 Signatures from Lannon Drive
83 Signatures from south and west side of Little
Muskego Lake
It was determined that the following items must be addressed by
the Public Water Committee as a reaction to concerns brought out
at the public hearing:
1. Front foot assessment policy
2. The distance on Highway 24 that will be provided
with water main
3. The status of Community Well water users
4. Water Capacity Assessment District (rates and defined
• The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Patrick Patterson
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