PWM19960104• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSREGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 8:55 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Salentine and Suhr, Mayor De Angelis, Chief Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Loughney, Ald. Rasmussen and Ald. Misko. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on December 28, 1995, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee discussed Status of Recycling. Mayor De Angelis advised the Committee that BFI will attempt to pick up tires at curb side by outfitting their trucks to carry them. Also, the City has received notification that government buildings are required to recycle fluorescent tubes and BFI has agreed to pick up at City Hall at no charge. The Committee reviewed price increase for Refuse/Recycling. In accordance with BFI contract, the amount per residential unit payable will increase by 2.6%. This cost is adjusted in accordance with the change in Consumer Price Index, using the August Index published on or about September 15, 1995. The increase will be as follows: is Single Family From: $91.08 To: $93.45 Two Family From: $91.08 To: $93.45 Multi Family Under 6 From: $91.08 To: $93.45 Multi Family 6 & Over From: $72.24 To: $74.12 The Committee determined that the City will use recycling grant monies and contributions from landfill contracts to subsidize the increase in fees as the Committee previously determined that the rate charged to residents would remain at $72.84 for 1996. Ald. Rasmussen discussed with the Committee complaints received from residents on HWY 45, in particular, concerns of Mr. Robert Boehm. Supt. Loughney will check with BFI to see if the pickup of this route could be made earlier and he will report back to the Committee with a possible solution. Supt. Loughney will also check with BFI on the time of night they are picking up refuse as some routes are seen around 8:00 P.M.; especially after holidays. The Committee discussed status of Cable TV. The Committee requests that a letter be sent to Bev Greenberg to inquire why the Premium Channel does not come to the user in stereo as they are paying $11.00 for this channel. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Warner Cable • Communications, dated December 15, 1995, outlining the changes including new programming that will be added to the City's channel line up as of January 1, 1996. 0 • C, J PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 JANUARY 4, 1996 The Committee reviewed correspondence from Warner Cable Communications, dated December 12, 1995, advising the City that Warner's franchise to provide cable television service will expire in December of 1998 and, in accordance with Section 626 (a) (1) of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, Warner Cable is requesting the City of Muskego commence proceedings to (a) identify the future cable -related community needs and interest and (b) review their performance under the existing Franchise for the purposes of renewing the agreement. The Committee requests that Mayor De Angelis sign and return the Acknowledgement of Receipt: of the Request to Commence Franchise Renewal Proceedings. Chairman Patterson requested that a contact be made with Ameritech inviting them to attend the February or March Public Welfare Committee to discuss with the Committee packets of services available. The Committee also requests that an Informational Hearing be scheduled for Thursday, February 1, 1996, at 7:00 P.M. to allow for citizens to give input. The Committee discussed status of Landfill Agreements. Metro -East Committee should be meeting next week and anticipate that they will then be able to schedule a time to meet with the Public Welfare Committee to discuss disbursement of anticipated compensation. There was nothing new to report on the status of PRP for East Troy Landfill. Under Communications, Mayor De Angelis advised that an application for a six (6) month renewal has been submitted for the temporary trailer permit for Mr. Richard Knudsen for his property on Hillendale Drive and will be acted on at the January 9, 1996 Council. The Committee requests that the status of Aldermen's Room TV and sound quality be put on the February meeting agenda. Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Suhr, motion carried 3-0. /ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. Nancy Salentine Secretary