PWM19941114• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 7:12 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Dumke, and D'Acquisto, Mayor De Angelis, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on November 7, 1994, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee discussed status of Recycling with Jeff Kay from BFI. Non-compliance stickers will begin to be applied, where opportunity presents itself, starting December 1, 1994. Enforcement of stickers has resulted in some problems. The City of Muskego will follow practice whereby when a complaint is made to the Department of Public Works, the City will inform the person that we will follow-up, and not automatically assure them that there refuse will be picked up. The Department of Public Works will check as to whether it was a missed pickup or a non-compliance. Corrugated Cardboard only will be picked up in bundles at curb with recyclables as long as they are in 2'x2'x10" bundles. Magazines will be collected after January 1, 1995, that • have saddle stitched bindings, no glued bindings, not perfectly bound. Jeff Kay explained that he is now in charge of the Muskego operation and that all questions should be referred to him at BFI, as Joe has been transferred to another part of the operation. Ald. Dumke questioned if "door" service was available and BFI stated that door service would be an additional $10.00 per month charge. Mayor De Angelis advised that he is in discussion with Waukesha County as the county is looking into the feasibility of county -wide recycling programs for enforcement and education. Communities participating to share in costs proportionately. The Committee discussed status of the following Landfills: Emerald Park Landfill - Permits are anticipated to be received from DNR this week. The two outstanding items needed to be done prior to opening are submittal of a bond for the first $100,000 of insurance, and a statement of financial worth; 1.3 million to 1.5 million. The drainage improvement provision has been temporarily waived by the Emerald Park Standing Committee until permits can be obtained. • Metro East Landfill (Franklin) - The Metro East Landfill Negotiating Committee still refuses to change meeting date in order to allow Muskego's representative to participate. Public Welfare Committee - Page 2 November 14, 1994 isStoneridge Landfill - Leachate pumping has not started and City is still awaiting a letter from Attorney Patrick Hudec. Representatives of the Cable Club and interested parties appeared before the Committee, at the Committee's request, to discuss cable club guidelines and regulations. Chairman Patterson gave background of the Cable Club and why the Club's presence at this meeting was requested. Club representatives were requested to discuss long range plans and objectives for the Club. Jeff Jones, speaking for the Club, stated their objective is to get involved in more productions, but do not have the personnel. Request for coordinator was to assist or take load off of the Parks & Recreation Department. Mrs. Nancy Salentine discussed revenues from Franchise Fees and suggested their use to fund the public access channel. Ald. Dumke gave a brief explanation as to why contract was not previously negotiated in that manner. Mayor corrected information regarding renegotiation date; it is 1998, not 1996. Extensive discussion regarding numerous other issues related to equipment for feed -in for School Board. A discussion was held on meeting coverage. Concerns discussed included covering meetings in their entirety, maintaining context of items covered and coverage of Committees vs. issue -oriented • coverage. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to recommend that the Cable Club meet to formulate a plan to be discussed at the December meeting and that while the Cable Club is in the processing of discussing and reviewing policies, that Recreation Director Gordon L. Jacobson shall personally oversee and approve schedule. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The Committee discussed proposed agreement with other communities regarding Town of East Troy Abandoned Landfill. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to recommend not participating in agreement. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion failed 1-2 with Ald. D'Acquisto voting for and Ald. Patterson and Ald. Dumke voting against. The Committee differed discussion of Regional Cable Commission until the December meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Domonic R. D'Acquisto • Secretary /cma PUG(C- WelfAr-p- is l -, 13 P-r