The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and
D'Acquisto, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney and those
per the attached list.
Mr. Joe Schnabl, BFI Waste Systems, Inc., appeared before the
Committee to discuss coordination of enforcement effort for
Recycling. Alternatives for education and efforts to foster
better compliance were discussed. Representatives from Warner
Cable that were present at the meeting for Cable discussion
offered to assist in production of TV spots for Cable TV. The
Committee discussed the possibility of violation notices being
attached to the bins, by BFI drivers, to the most serious
violators as well as flyers and stickers as part of the
enforcement effort.
Supt. Loughney will discuss pickup of recycling items at the City
Parks with Parks Director Peter Theis and report back to the
Supt. Loughney will meet with representatives from BFI to finalize
• recycling stickers.
The Committee discussed procedure for replacement of
stolen/missing recycling containers.
Bev Greenberg, Gary Owens and May Loony, representatives from
Warner Cable, appeared before the Committee to discuss cable fees,
rate structures, etc. Cable in the Classroom program was
discussed as a prelude to discussion of fee structure
information. Full service network will be implemented within
twenty-four (24) months which is a one -quarter billion dollar
investment in Southeast Wisconsin, with fiber optics, increasing
availability of up to 124 channels with higher quality, greater
reliability and fewer outages.
The Committee was presented with a breakdown of rates and services
available to other Warner Cable communities. Within the next one
to two years there will be more uniformity by means of pay per
view. Warner Cable is in the initial planning stages and will
supply the Committee with more definite information in about 2 to
3 weeks. They indicated that part of our current selection
offering is due to initial equipment installation.
Mayor De Angelis updated the Committee on the status of landfill
agreements and advised that he had sent correspondence to the
• Metro Landfill -East Siting Committee asking for reconsideration of
meeting dates to enable the City representative, Ald. Dumke, to
attend. The meetings are now scheduled on the same day and time
as the Common Council meetings. Mayor also advised that the
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
August 10, 1994
• Building Inspection Department has received complaints of the
remediation at Stoneridge Landfill taking place during hours that
are not permitted. Waste Management has been notified to comply
with restricted hours of operation.
The Committee discussed establishing a 1995 User Charge for
Refuse/Recycling. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to keep the present 1994
rate for 1995 with any shortfall to be taken from the Recycling
Grant monies. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto
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