PWM19940413• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present were Committee Members Schneider and Dumke, Mayor De Angelis and Public Works Superintendent John Loughney. The Committee discussed status of Recycling. Mr. Steve Oschmann appeared before the Committee to discuss problems that he is having with the Refuse/Recycling program. Ald. Patterson advised that he will contact BFI to discuss recycling of glass and other recyclables and to obtain recycling container for Mr. Oschmann. Ald. Patterson will report back to the May meeting and will contact Mr. Oschmann with information. The Committee reviewed Community Cable Access Channel Rules & Regulations, along with correspondence that was sent to Ald. Patterson from Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Smith regarding the cable presentation of the informational program for Cowtown. The Committee requests that the Cable Club select a Program Director to handle the duties of scheduling and tape review who will report to Recreation Director Gordon Jacobson for final approval. It was noted that the Committee requests that, in • the future, if someone comes in to present one side of an issue, there should be equal air time and effort granted, if requested, to present the other side of the issue. The Committee reviewed sample of generic sticker that is proposed to be used by BFI for violations to refuse/recycling. Ald. Schneider moved to add under the Recycling portion that "recyclables are not to be put in plastic bags; they are to be put in the container individually"; also that the notation to "call the City Garage @ 679-4148 for further details" be put on both the Recycling sticker and the Residential Refuse sticker. It is requested that both stickers be a bright orange (or something similar) in order to draw attention. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the proposed Recycling Ordinance and correspondence from City Attorney dated April 4, 1994, which explained the items incorporated after DNR response to the City's submittal. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The Committee reviewed Application For Temporary Habitation Of a Trailer for Dale Kreil, S83 W20811 Janesville Road. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend approval subject to all the conditions that were placed by the Plan Commission at time of • Building, Site & Operation approval. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Public Welfare Committee - Page 2 April 13, 1994 • The Committee reviewed information from the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regarding the Clean Sweep Grants Available to municipalities for creating and operating local programs for the collection and disposal of household hazardous waste. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend not applying for the grants due to the excessive potential liability if the City would elect to participate. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Mayor De Angelis updated the Committee on the Stoneridge Landfill site. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. /cma • • Respectfully submitted, Ald. William H. Schneider Secretary 1.