The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Schneider and
Dumke, Mayor De Angelis, Public Works Superintendent John
Loughney, Chuck Ott and Jeff Kay from BFI.
The Committee discussed Status of Citywide Refuse/Recycling
program with representatives from BFI. Christmas trees are to
be picked up and all employees of BFI will be reminded to
replace lids on refuse/recycling containers.
A memorandum from the Utility Clerk was reviewed advising that
there is an apparent discrepancy in the amount of living units
at W125 59706-8 North Cape Road. The Committee directed that
an inspection be made and that the charge will be upon correct
number of units. BFI has been alerted to deliver recycling
The Committee reviewed information regarding refuse/recycling
contract for the 8-family on Cornell Circle
(Jountson/Achterberg) and determined that this building will
not be part of the citywide refuse/recycling and should be
• removed from the program.
A letter will be sent to Mr. Steve Oschmann advising that as
there are two living units connected to the restaurant, that
the bill is correct and nonpayment will result in the unpaid
amount being put on the tax bill.
Chuck Ott discussed with the Committee an ad for the Muskego
Sun which will explain all items that are recyclable and some
problems to be rectified.
The Committee discussed Status of Cable TV and noted that no
communication has been received from the latest correspondence
sent to Gary Owens at Warner Cable in regards to University of
Wisconsin Badger's football game not being televised.
The Committee reviewed the final draft of the Recycling
Ordinance and will continue reviewing at the March meeting.
Supt. Loughney advised that he will have proposed fines for
Deposit & Forfeiture Schedule for the March meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
• Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Schneider and
Dumke, Mayor De Angelis, Public Works Superintendent John
Loughney, Chuck Ott and Jeff Kay from BFI.
The Committee discussed Status of Citywide Refuse/Recycling
program with representatives from BFI. Christmas trees are to
be picked up and all employees of BFI will be reminded to
replace lids on refuse/recycling containers. A letter has been
sent to BFI, along with a bill, for two green recycling bins
and lids and Supt. Loughney has been directed to provide the
two residents on Parkland Drive with replacement bins and
lids. It was reported that the bins and lids were taken by BFI
during refuse/recycling pickup and never returned.
A memorandum from the Utility Clerk was reviewed advising that
there is an apparent discrepancy in the amount of living units
at W125 59706-8 North Cape Road. The Committee directed that
an inspection be made and that the charge will be upon correct
number of units. BFI has been alerted to deliver recycling
The Committee reviewed information regarding refuse/recycling
contract for the 8-family on Cornell Circle
(Jountson/Achterberg) and determined that this building will
not be part of the citywide refuse/recycling and should be
removed from the program.
• A letter will be sent to Mr. Steve Oschmann advising that as
there are two living units connected to the restaurant, that
the bill is correct and nonpayment will result in the unpaid
amount being put on the tax bill.
Chuck Ott discussed with the Committee an ad for the Muskego
Sun which will explain all items that are recyclable and some
problems to be rectified.
The Committee discussed Status of Cable TV and noted that no
communication has been received from the latest correspondence
sent to Gary Owens at Warner Cable in regards to University of
Wisconsin Badger's football game not being televised.
The Committee reviewed the final draft of the Recycling
Ordinance and will continue reviewing at the March meeting.
Supt. Loughney advised that he will have proposed fines for
Deposit & Forfeiture Schedule for the March meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
• Ald. William H. Schneider