The meeting was called to order at 7:12 P.M. by Chairman
Patrick A. Patterson. Also present were Committee Member
Schneider, Mayor De Angelis and Public Works Superintendent
John Loughney.
The Committee discussed the status of Recycling. The Committee
would like a letter sent to Mr. Chuck Ott, BFI, advising that
the Committee is generally pleased with the way that the
recycling program is being handled but that more care must be
taken to assure that the lids be put back onto or into the
refuse/recycling containers and that the containers be put back
in the same proximity as they were left by the resident. It
was noted that there have been a number of complaints that the
refuse/recycling containers are literally being thrown onto the
driveway or yard from the truck and some are ending up in
ditches. The Committee also requests that in the letter BFI be
informed that if there is a potential for a snowstorm or
plowing operation, that they make sure that the
refuse/recycling containers are returned far enough from the
ditch and back onto the side of the driveway so that the snow
removal is not affected and the residents can still get into
their driveways.
• The Committee will also remind BFI that all Christmas trees are
to be picked up with the normal refuse and hope that all trees
will be picked up within the next week.
BFI will be requested to attend the next Public Welfare
Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 9, 1994, at
7:00 P.M.
The Committee will issue a press release to be sent to all news
media instructing everyone that recycling containers are to be
used for recycling items only and that recycling must be
commingled in one container, not bagged individually. Bags are
only to be used for recycling for newspapers. Also, to remind
that only the blue recycling container should be used.
-The Committee discussed the status of Cable TV. The Committee
reviewed the January 3, 1994, letter from Mr. Gary Owens,
Warner Communications, responding to the Committee's inquiry of
December 21, 1993, concerning the Badgers football televised
from Tokyo on Saturday, December 4, 1993. A letter will be
sent to Mr. Owens advising that the Committee felt that the
explanation was unacceptable and that since it was announced to
the news media several house before game time that it would be
televised, that the Committee feels that if Warner Cable
Communications was able to service a few of their communities,
they should have been able to service all of them.
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
January 12, 1994
• The Committee requests that inquiries be made of the adjoining
communities to determine their cable companies, base rates,
channels received, premium stations, etc. in order to make a
Mayor De Angelis updated the Committee on the status of the
landfill agreements.
The Committee requests that a letter be sent to Dean T.
Achterberg and Joyce M. Jountson, 21551 W. Oakcrest Drive, New
Berlin, WI 53146, advising that we are in receipt of their
correspondence of January 11, 1994, indicating that their
contract for refuse/recycling with Best Disposal is for three
(3) years. Upon review of the contract, the Committee was
unable to find an expiration date or term for the contract and
requests that they submit a clearer copy, highlighting the term
of the contract.
The Committee reviewed the Recycling Ordinance and inserted
recommendations in areas required which will be sent to
Attorney Molter with a request for review and comments prior to
Council action. The Committee noted that there must be
consistency in referring to single family and multi -family;
some areas of the proposed ordinance only refer to single
. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider