The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Members Schneider and
Dumke and Mayor De Angelis. Committee Member Dumke left ill.
The Committee discussed status of Recycling. Mayor De Angelis
advised that the City-wide Refuse/Recycling Contract with BFI
has been signed. The Committee directed that a letter be sent
to BFI requesting, as soon as possible, a schedule showing
implementation of Education of Citizens; i.e. flyers that will
list recycling items, delivery of carts, etc.
The Committee directed that a copy of Waukesha County's letter
advising of the acceptance of glossy magazines and paper and
inquire when BFI will be accepting these items.
The Committee discussed possible information that will be part
of the letter that will be inserted into the property tax bills
as follows:
Size and number of containers (maximum size of
container is 45 gallons, maximum weight of 80 lbs.
for any container, unlimited number of containers).
The only exception will be for residential units
connected to commercial property will be limited
to three (3) 32 gallon containers per week per
residential unit.
There will be a Press Release as to when the bins
will be delivered to individual homeowners by BFI.
Long driveways - bins must be delivered to the
end of the roadway. Individuals may negotiate
separately with BFI to have garage pickup, but
that must be negotiated with BFI independently and
BFI, if willing, will bill additional amount to
property owner.
All handicapped people will be asked to notify the
City and the City, in turn, will notify BFI for
special accommodations.
BFI will go down private roads for pickup with
permission of the property owner. If property
owner will not allow use of the private road, it
is the responsibility of the property owner to
notify the City and take their refuse/recycling
to the end of the private road for weekly pickup.
Upon issuance of Occupancy Permit for new homes,
a payment will be due and pro -rated.
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
November 10, 1993
isGrass clippings, leaves, branches, and brush
(up to six inches in diameter) must be taken to the Tess
Corners site which will be open every Saturday from
7:00 A.M. to Noon.
Christmas trees will be picked up at no charge. They
must be taken to the end of driveway.
One 32 gallon containers, per week, of construction
materials will be permitted.
Cottages and Summer Homes will be billed at the
residential rate. All residences will be billed
at the same rate regardless of months occupied.
If regular pickup day falls on a holiday, pickup will
be delayed one (1) day.
The Committee reviewed questions from the Public Works Garage
and determined that all problems with pickup, and questions as
to recyclable items will be addressed to Supt. Loughney at the
Public Works Garage. BFI has indicated that the bins will be
delivered a couple of weeks prior the 20th of December. All
carts will be numbered and the number will be recorded for that
particular property. Supt. Loughney should be contacted if a
property owners requests a replacement cart. If the cart is
• damaged by the resident, the resident will be charged for a
replacement cart. If it is a quality problem, BFI will replace
at no cost to the property owner. All citizens are being
requested to participate in the Recycling Program; however, it
will become mandatory on July 1, 1994. As of July 1, 1994, if
recycling items are mingled with the refuse, the refuse will
not be picked up. BFI does not handle hazardous materials and
these materials will have to be disposed of through the
Waukesha County's Clean Sweep program. Used motor oil may be
disposed of at the BFI site in Tess Corners which will be open
every Saturday from 7:00 A.M. to Noon.
The Committee discussed status of Cable TV. Ald. Patterson
moved to file Form 328, Certification of Franchising Authority
to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates and Initial Finding of
Lack of Effective Competition and Form 329, Cable Programming
Service Rate Complaint Form prior to the November 15, 1993
There was nothing to report on status of Landfill agreement.
Attorney Hudec is meeting with Waste Management attorneys
regarding payment from Stoneridge Landfill.
The Committee reviewed requirements for Recycling Ordinance
that must be in place by April of 1994.
• The meeting adjourned at 8:02 P.M.
Public Welfare Committee - Page 3
November 10, 1993
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider