PWM19931021PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 21, 1993 Meeting called to order by Chairman Patterson at 6:50 PM. Also present were Committee Members Schneider and Dumke (arrived 7:05 PM), Mayor De Angelis, Ald. Misko, Ald. Woodard (arrived 7:05 PM) and City Clerk Marenda. Recycling container replacement was discussed. The Committee determined that if the container is lost or stolen or damaged due to negligence of the property owner, replacement would be the property owner's responsibility. The hauler, BFI, would be responsible for maintenance of the carts, which would include repair of broken wheels, handles, split seams, etc. The Committee reviewed the request of Dr. Wonder, who owns two four -family apartments, to be allowed to continue his contract with Best Disposal which expires in 1995. The Committee denied the request and directed the Mayor to discuss the situation with Best Disposal, advising them that the City will allow their existing contracts with multi -families of 6 units and over to continue, but that contracts with under 6 unit buildings must be cancelled effective December 31, 1993. Mayor reported on further changes in the contract with BFI. Mr. • Ott agreed to remove the strike provision, new indemnity language has been approved, a declaration of self insurance will be sent to the City, and BFI will send proof of financial stability for Town and Country Wisconsin. Ald. Patterson moved that existing contracts for trash pickup for multi -families of 6 units and over with contractors other than BFI will be honored, but if the contracts do not cover the pickup of Recyclables, they must participate in the City's recycling program effective January 1, 1994, and they will be billed accordingly. The Committee adjourned at 7:13 PM. jm • Respectfully submitted, William J. Schneider Secretary