The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Schneider,
Mayor De Angelis, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney and
those per the attached list.
Mr. Chuck Ott and Joe Schnabl, representatives of BFI, appeared
before the Committee to discuss city-wide refuse/recycling
contract. A discussion was held as to recent correspondence
that was sent to all multi -family owners of six (6) units or
over requesting a copy of their contract with their present
hauler, if other than BFI, in order for the City to work with
the hauler to start this program on the first of the year. The
City will not force the hauler to give up the existing
contracts. Ald. Schneider moved that if we do not hear from
these property owners by October 29, 1993, that they will
automatically be included in the contract and will be billed
accordingly; any payments received after January 31, 1994, will
be assessed a 1-1/2% penalty, per month. Seconded by Ald.
Patterson, motion carried. If multi -family units have existing
contacts with a hauler other than BFI and do not have a
recycling receptacle, BFI will provide the receptacle and the
City will bill them separately for recycling only as the
• recycling program is implemented for all residents. It was
noted that the mandatory recycling for multi -family units who
are not presently with BFI was not pointed out explicitly in
the correspondence sent to all owners of multi -family units.
Ald. Patterson stated that mandated recycling, as part of the
city-wide refuse/recycling program, will be effective July 1,
1994, and that a corresponding ordinance will be adopted prior
to that time.
A discussion was held on different alternatives for service to
multi -family units. Mr. Ott advised that BFI would be
agreeable to supplying 100 gallon recycling containers for
multi -family units.
Properties housing handicapped people will be handled on an
individual basis as far as making arrangement other than
curbside pickup as well as property owners with extra long
Lyn Gulbins, Water Utility Clerk for the City of Muskego, who
will be handling billing for the city-wide refuse/recycling
program advised the Committee of inquiries as to whether or not
summer cottages will be included. The Committee stated that
all properties will be included; no exclusions.
• Mayor De Angelis updated the Committee on the status of the
construction at the Emerald Park Landfill.
• The meeting adjourned at 8:52 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider