PRESENT: Committee Chairman Patterson, Committee Members Dumke
and Schneider, Mayor De Angelis, Aldermen Sanders and Woodard
and City Clerk Marenda.
Hearing held to obtain citizen input on the proposal to solicit
bids for a Curbside Recycling and Refuse Program for
Residential and Multi -Family units, due to the elimination of
free garbage dumping effective January 1, 1994.
Hearing declared open by Chairman Patterson at 7:22 P.M.
Patterson gave brief history of Recycling Program in the City,
State mandates and the status of the Landfill. He pointed out
the highlights of the proposed program:
- Weekly trash pick up
- Every other week recycling pick up - set time
- Private hauler
• - Separate charge on tax bill
Trash - own container
Curbside pickup
- Recycling - aluminum, tin, glass, newspaper, 1 and 2 plastics
- Providing 64 gallon container for Recycling - on wheels,
provided by hauler; with identification name and number.
- Pick up to Include: Small furniture, appliances, auto
parts, rubble, construction debris, tires on a limited
- Pick up to Exclude: Large amounts of rubble, containers
over 32 gallons or over 80 lbs., construction debris, large
auto parts, hazardous waste, grass clippings, brush
- White goods might be picked up on a cost basis
- Residential only - no commercial
- 8 year program
- Recycling Options being asked for: Twice a week pickup of
leaves, branches (seasonal), Christmas trees as well as
brush pickup two and four times a year
- Pickup for city buildings; possibly school buildings in the
- Procedure for complaints
Chairman Patterson indicated that originally the Committee was
going out to bid, but have been advised by other haulers, as
well as other municipalities, that they have been able to
negotiate a much better deal for themselves by negotiating
rather than going with a public bid; the costs are lower and
they can fine-tune the needs of each community. The Committee
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Informational Hearing - Refuse/Recycling
September 1, 1993
• has been negotiating with three (3) major haulers. No final
decision has been made yet and the public's input is encouraged.
The cost factor for trash removal for other communities is
running anywhere from $8.00 to as high as $13.00 a household.
The City is looking at a $5.00 to $6.00 benchmark as well as
acquiring additional services. There is an additional charge
for the curbside recycling portion of the program of
approximately $2.50 to $3.50. The City will receive
cooperative monies from the State for recycling costs up to
approximately 33%.
Mr. John Dwyer inquired if there would be garbage pickup on a
weekly basis and recycling pickup every two weeks and as the
recycling program expands, would the cost escalate? Ald.
Patterson answered that the garbage pickup would be on a weekly
basis and recycling pickup every two weeks and that the
proposed agreement that has been set up by the Committee is for
eight (8) years with the price frozen for the first two year
and for the next six (6) years it will only increase by the CPI
(Consumer Price Index). Additional recycling items will not
result in increased costs.
Mr. John Dwyer inquired if this item is on the income tax bill,
would it be deductible? Ald. Patterson responded that it is
• not included as part of the total real estate amount to be
Ald. Patterson further explained why the City was not building
it into the City's Budget. They want everyone to know what
they are getting and what it actually costs. This is a
residential program which does not include businesses or
commercial properties.
Mr. Dwyer voiced his objection to it being a separate line item
rather than part of the total city tax so that it could be
written off by each individual taxpayer. Ald. Patterson stated
that if it were part of the city budget, all business and
commercial properties would be taxed without receiving any
Mrs. Mary Dibb asked for clarification of prices quoted as to
whether they were weekly or monthly prices. Ald. Patterson
stated that those were monthly quoted figures. All recyclable
items will be put into one container, with paper on top, and
the hauler will do the separating.
Ms. Carol Fischer, Pioneer Center, indicated that the
Condominiums already have large dumpsters and was inquiring
whether each of the forty-six residents would have to bring
garbage containers out to the curb, or would they keep their
dumpsters and just have individual recycling containers? Mayor
De Angelis stated that the way the system is designed now,
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Informational Hearing - Refuse/Recycling
September 1, 1993
• buildings up to six units, would each have their own individual
refuse cart and recycling cart and, if it is larger than that,
they would go with individual dumpsters on site. The haulers
have indicated that this is negotiable depending on the site.
Vern Jones questioned why we were losing the free dumping.
Ald. Patterson explained that free dumping has been based on
the fact that we have had an active landfill in the City of
Muskego. The Stoneridge Landfill has been closed and we have
negotiated free dumping when they again open with a new cell.
The opening has been put off and indications show that they
will not be opening in the foreseeable future and we will not
continue to receive free dumping beyond the end of 1993.
Carol Fisher questioned that if they kept their dumpsters as
is, would it be possible that the recyclables would be picked
up with the complex (at garage doors). Mayor De Angelis
indicated that they would have to be put at the end of the area
so that they would not have to get out and walk. The other
option would be to put a large dumpster next to the existing
ones for recyclables.
Vern Jones commented that he had also heard that clear
packaging will become mandated for future refuse/recycling.
Bob Wolfgang commented that he did not think that the City
• should include old batteries in recyclables. He did not feel
that the City should go that far, as most people trade in their
old battery for a new battery. He felt that the most the City
should do is to set up an area on some of the City's property
where people can leave batteries and then have the hauler take
it from that point; and tires should be treated in the same
way. He also felt that the City should provide an area where
people can drop off brush.
Ald. Patterson asked what would be the preference, curbside
brush pickup or a drop-off center year-round for grass, brush
and grass clippings? It was agreed that a drop-off center
would be the best solution.
Mr. Earl Duewel, stated that he is in the process of painting
his house and inquired what he should do with the paint cans?
Ald. Patterson stated that once or twice a year, Waukesha
County has been running a clean sweep program and you can take
all paint cans and insecticides to a specific site. The City
could initiate a clean sweep program, but it is extremely
expensive. Maybe the City can offer a drop-off site with the
time coinciding with Waukesha County's program in the future.
Ald. Patterson indicated that the problem with a permanent
drop-off point for hazardous waste is that there are
tremendously high costs and the possibility of pollution.
'Public Welfare Committee - Page 4
Informational Hearing - Refuse/Recycling
September 1, 1993
. Mayor indicated that Waukesha County is working on coming up
with some regional drop-off points as part of their master plan
for their solid waste program.
Mr. Bob Brown, Pioneer Center, inquired if he was understanding
correctly that the program would result in approximately $100
to $120 per year would be a correct ballpark figure? Ald.
Patterson said that it would be very close to that amount.
The Committee asked that any handicap situation should be
brought to the attention of the City so that particular
arrangements can be made.
Ald. Patterson stated that payment would be in advance as a
separate charge on the tax bill. New homes would be billed on
a pro-rata basis when they receive an Occupancy Permit.
Hearing declared closed at 8:21 P.M. Public Welfare Committee
meeting to follow.
Respectfully submitted,
K � G'
an K. Marenda, CMC
• My Clerk/Controller