The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Members Schneider and
Dumke, Mayor De Angelis and Public Works Superintendent John
The Committee discussed the status of Recycling and noted that
the Recycling Center located at the Stoneridge Landfill site
will not be open on Saturday, July 3, due to the holiday. The
schedule for July will be the 2nd Saturday (July 10) and the
4th Saturday (July 24). The regular schedule of 1st and 3rd
Saturdays will resume in August.
The Committee discussed city-wide garage pickup/recycling and
compiled the following list to be included in the City's
1) One and Two -Family (possibly Multi -family)
2) 1st and 3rd week for Recycling pickup
3) Starting date of January 1, 1994
4) Yearly Billing - Tax Bill
5) One (1) 64 gallon roller cart (for recycling) per
• residence
6) Rear -end packers for trash rather than front loaders
The Committee discussed the status of Cable TV and request that
a representative from Warner Cable attend the September
meeting to explain changes in cable access regulations.
The renewal agreement with HAWS (Humane Animal Welfare Society)
was reviewed and the following increases from previous
agreement were noted:
#2. Pickup to shelter increased from $12.00 per trip
to $13.00 per trip
#4. Daily charge increased from $6.75 to $7.25 per day
City liable for seven days - or increase from $47.25
to $50.75
#5. Owner handling charge increased from $13.00 to $14.00
(plus boarding charges)
#9. Contract for one year - last contract was for 10 months
Ald. Dumke moved to recommend approval of new contract with
HAWS commencing July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994. Seconded by
• Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed Salvage and Recycling application for
Kohne (W200 S7203 Williams Drive) along with memorandum from
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
June 9, 1993
• Plan Director Larry Kirch, dated June 7, 1993. The following
notations were reviewed:
There were no violations of Chapter 12.08 (c) "Storage
of Combustibles" in that no combustibles were observed
being stored in the building.
There is no fence around the property - though the
property is heavily wooded. It is suggested that
Mr. Kohne further update the City on the status of
his berming project.
It is recommended that Chapter 12.08 (d) "Enclosure
of Junk or Salvage Yards" be enforced as written to
require a fence - or that the Ordinance be amended to
allow a suitable alternative such as a berm or
permanent coniferous (pine) vegetative buffer.
It was noted that there were no complaints filed with the
Planning or Building Departments in the last 12 months. Ald.
Patterson moved to approve license and to refer recommendation
to Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee to amend Chapter 12.08 (d)
to allow a suitable alternative such as a berm or permanent
coniferous vegetative buffer. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion
• The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider