• The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Schneider,
Public Works Superintendent John Loughney and Charles Ott (BFI).
Mr. Ott appeared before the Committee to discuss the transfer
station's operation for 1993. They will continue to accept
yard waste, lawn clippings, etc. Mr. Ott will advise the
Committee as to whether brush will be accepted.
Waste Management will allow dumping at Metro Landfill
(Franklin) at no charge through 1993. Metro will charge for
yard waste in 1994.
Emerald Park is waiting for extension of sewers for their area.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Lawrence J. Kirch,
Director of Planning who advised that BFI estimated that City
residents dropped off approximately 116 tons of yard waste for
the 1992 growing season. Superintendent Loughney estimated
1500 yards of brush was chipped by the City in 1992. John will
check to see if Emerald Park will accept the City's brush and
would they also be receptive to large quantities in case of a
Spring storm. John will also check if the chips will be
available for use by City of Muskego citizens.
The Committee determined that they will not use BFI site in
• Tess Corners for recycling at the present time.
The Committee discussed Brush Recycling Site Fencing for the
Public Works Garage which was referred from Common Council
meeting of February 9, 1993. Ald. Patterson moved table
project and to use BFI facilities. Seconded by Ald. Schneider,
motion carried.
Superintendent Loughney will check on cost of recycling tank
for anti -freeze to see if the City could secure possible
funding from Waukesha County. The tank would be located with
the oil recycling tank located outside City Hall.
The Committee discussed curbside garage and recycling pickup
and requests that an inquiries be made to determine what
information is needed in order to prepare specifications to go
out for bids. Mr. Ott will secure sample contract from BFI and
supply to the Committee. The Committee is hoping to advertise
for bids with a proposed opening of bids on May 15, 1993, with
service to start by August 1, 1993.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
• Alderman William H. Schneider
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