PWM19920409CORRECTED PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 9, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Sanders, Recycling Coordinator Henry Posbrig, Jack Landrum and Lisa Thomka. The Committee discussed Recycling. It was noted that BFI will open their site for composting starting Saturday, April 18, 1992, for every Saturday. A discussion was held on paper and the Committee requests that a letter be sent to Peltz Bros. requesting that a representative appear at the May meeting to discuss a yearly commitment for per ton paper prices. The Committee discussed having a "Sale Day" at the Historical Society Site on Thursday, April 23, from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. to sell recycling bins and lids and possibly include a chipper operation. Henry Posbrig will discuss with Supt. Loughney to see if both events could be coordinated. When details have • been worked out, a press notice will be put out advertising the BFI composting dates along with the sale of recycling bins and lids and chipper operation. The Committee discussed the possibility of contracting city-wide for garbage pickup and request that a letter be sent to all registered haulers requesting prices on individual garbage pickups including recycling options. The Committee discussed status of Cable TV and requested that a letter be sent to Warner Cable's Tess Corners Office requesting that a drop be buried at W142 S6883 Gaulke Drive for Pete Vanderboom. A letter from Warner Cable dated April 3, 1992, was reviewed which requested that the Council adopt a resolution extending the cable transfer to September 30, 1992. Ald. Patterson moved to deny and requests that a letter be sent out as soon as possible advising Warner Cable that a resolution approving extension will not be adopted and that Warner Cable should give us a thirty (30) day notification when the franchise will be completed. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Exhibits for the finalization of the Stoneridge Landfill agreement are completed and will be acted upon at the April 14, 1992 Common Council. • The Franklin Metro Agreement is in the signing process. Public Welfare Committee - Page 2 April 9, 1992 The Committee reviewed application for Waukesha County for matching grant for recycling program and requests that the City Clerk review budget to see if we can use this in any way. The disposition of recycling containers and lids was discussed that the Committee requests that the bins and lids be moved to the Public Works Garage as soon as available; preferably by April 24, 1992. The Committee requests that the Public Works Department moved them to the Public Works Garage. There are 900 bins and 500 lids. The Committee was advised that the City's part-time maintenance man and Recycling Coordinator, Henry Posbrig, will be leaving his employment effective Saturday, April 18, 1992, after the recycling. The Committee requests that when the City is interviewing for the part-time maintenance position that they also see if the same person would be interested in the Recycling Coordinator position. Jack Landrum and Lisa Thomka appeared before the Committee to request the City to donate ten (10) recycling bins that they It would take to a Group Home in Milwaukee. The Committee denied request as they did not feel this was an appropriate use. Ald. Patterson moved to send a letter to Muskego-Norway School District and any other schools in the City of Muskego, asking if there would be any interest in using recycling bins in their schools and to secure an estimate of how many they might need. This would be an inquiry only. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. ca 61 Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary