PWM19911031PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 31, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, Mayor Salentine and Henry Posbrig. The Committee discussed status of Recycling. The 18 gallon recycling bins have been ordered and delivery is anticipated in the first week of November. The bins will be delivered to the Historical Society barn. The "kick-off" for distribution of the bins is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 1991, during the recycling effort at Stoneridge Landfill. Bins will also be available on Monday, November 18th, Monday, November 25th, and Monday, December 2nd at the Historical Society barn between 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. and on Saturday, November 2nd, and Saturday, November 30th, at the Historical Society barn between 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. The final date for distribution will be Saturday, December 7th during the recycling effort at Stoneridge Landfill. Postcards are being printed and will be mailed to all residents which, when presented, will enable each resident to obtain one 18 gallon recycling bin. The card will advise residents of the above times and locations to pick up bins. Lids for the bins will also be available for purchasing at a price of $3.00 per lid. Ald. • Patterson moved to recommend approval of expenditure of recycling grant funds in the amount of $900.00 for lids and approximately $600.00 for postage, and $156.60 for postcards. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The revenue received from sale of lids will be credited to the recycling grant fund. The Committee has ordered magnets with "Help Muskego Recycle" logo on, along with information on types of recyclable materials accepted at the Recycling Center. The magnets are 4" x 7", two color, 380 each, and the Committee will further discuss distribution. Ald. D. Sanders moved to recommend approval of expenditure of recycling grant funds in the amount of $2,280.00 for magnets. Seconded by Ald. Patterson, motion carried. The Committee is anticipating purchasing a wood chipper in order to complete the composting operation. A Final decision will be made after payment of bills incurred with purchase of recycling bins, postcards and magnets. Chairman Patterson advised Committee of informational meeting scheduled with Warner Cable Company on Thursday, November 7, 1991, at 10:00 A.M. at City Hall. The Committee discussed status of landfills. It was noted that Stoneridge Landfill will not be open until 1992 or possibly 1993. The Committee will be discussing continuation of free dumping with Waste Management. Public Welfare Committee - Page 2 October 31, 1991 The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M. ca • 0 Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary