PWM19910411• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 11, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, Mayor Salentine, Earl Duewel, Bennie Lewis and Pam Gummer (Muskego Chargers Football). Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Gummer appeared before the meeting to volunteer as a group for the monthly recycling program. The Committee agreed to have the Muskego Chargers Football team man the recycling center on the first Saturday of May, May 4, 1991. Additional information will be sent to them prior to May 4th. The Committee determined that an additional set of signs is required for opposite end of dumpsters and an order will be placed with Best Disposal. New steps are needed and Ald. Patterson will work with the Public Works Department to supply the required specifications. Best Disposal will also be contacted to supply an additional dumpster (high top with side door - large plastic type) for overflow of recyclables. Ald. Patterson volunteered to secure a long hook which will be used to retrieve comingled items. The Committee requests the Clerk's Office to supply the Recycling Balance from State funds for the next meeting. The Committee IV recycling large promotional refrigerator magnets as the next recycling education program. The Committee discussed Growth Management and agreed that growth is inevitable but planning should be done so that it does not have an adverse affect on City budget and level of services. The Committee will send letters to the Fire Departments, Police Department and to the Parks & Recreation Board requesting their reaction to growth and the affect growth has on their services. Ald. Patterson reported that the Metro Landfill Negotiation Committee for the City of Franklin will resume negotiations after a sixty (60) day deferral. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary ca