PWM19901119• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 19, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present was Committee Member D. Sanders, Mitchell Robbins (The Peltz Corporation) and Lisa Albert (Parents/Teachers Organization). The Committee reviewed correspondence from City Clerk stating that the third quarter franchise payment fromm Warner Cable, which was due October 31, 1990, has not been received to date. The Committee has requested that a letter be sent to Mr. McMillan advising him of the late franchise payment. The Committee discussed the status of landfills and requested that a letter be sent to Mr. George Meinholz, Waste Management, expressing concerns of citizens who are complaining that the compacting units for solid waste is too high. The letter should question whether solid waste must go into compactor or can citizens use open containers on site. The Committee would also like Mr. Meinholz to clarify if there are recycling receptacles on site. Mr. Mitchell Robbins appeared before the Committee to discuss the • possibility of the City entering into negotiations leading to a ten (10) year supply agreement with The Peltz Corporation to process ONP and magazines as generated in the City's recycling program. The wastepaper will be processed and shipped to Laidlaw Resources as per The Peltz Corporation/Laidlaw Wastepaper Supply Agreement. The City would be allowed an additional 25% in magazines and phone books. The City would make approximately $2.00 a ton instead of being charged $14.00 to $15.00 a ton as presently being charged. Mayor Salentine mailed a letter on November 16, 1990, requesting more information on the above proposed agreement. The Committee will discuss further when the information has been received. Ald. Patterson advised the Committee that he and Mayor Salentine had met with George Meinholz from Waste Management and Curt Christie from Best Disposal Systems and both are receptive to continuing recycling pickup program until April. Ald. Patterson moved to include Recycling flyer, prepared by Ald. D. Sanders, in the tax bill mailing. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. It is requested that a letter be sent to each monthly volunteer group advising that they must provide at least 10 adults with at least 4 adults arriving at 7:00 A.M. to receive instructions from haulers and watch for early recyclers. 0 Public Welfare Committee - Page 241 • November 19, 1990 The Committee read correspondence from Mayor Salentine regarding a telephone complaint received from the Muskego postmaster voicing his displeasure of the congestion caused on the parking lot during the recycling. Ald. D. Sanders will meet with the postmaster to address the complaint. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary ca 0 • a DON'T THROW IT ALL AWAY M. HELP MUSKEGO �a:7v�J RECYCLE r� WHEN: 3rd SATURD.AY OF EV ERY MONTH WHERE: PARKLAND MALL S74 W17000 JANESVILLE R TINIE: SAKI - 12 NOON I ALUMINUM Lightveight,seamless cans only NEWSPAPERS Bundled or bagged ('newspaper' means newspapers and Inserts that come In newspapers) GLASS BOTTLES Clear -Amber -Green Rinse and separate colors. Labels need i not be removed. Caps most be removed. STEEL/TIN CANS Steel/fln cans (food cans only) rinse carefully... PLASTIC Now accepting plastic MIL[ and SODA bottles only. MILK bottles are kept separate from SODA bottles. Remove caps and rinse clean... DO NOf BRING plastic containers from such Items as ketchup,jelly, margarine or laundry detergent at this time... LOOK FOR VAR EIPANDED HOURS OF COLLICTION IN THE COMING fE1R.. 111P THIS 11 A HUDI PLACE TO HELP f0U REMEMBER