The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Members D. Sanders and
Simmons, Mayor Salentine and those per the attached list.
The Committee reviewed the status of Cable TV. Correspondence
dated June 8, 1990 from Ingersoll Corporation was reviewed which
stated that over the next few months, Ingersoll Cable Corp. will
be coordinating remaining obligations to bury all drops, restore
damage claims, pay final invoices and generally do the final
clean-up of the sale to Warner. If a problem continues to exist,
Ingersoll Cable Company should be notified in writing at P. 0.
Box 425, Muskego, WI, 53150. It was noted that Warner Cable
Communications have returned the signed "Affidavit of Acceptance
of Cable TV Ordinances and Other Responsibilities" and the City
will be submitting all remaining bills for the transfer. The
unburied cable on Valley/Ann Drive is being handled. Chairman
Patterson will write to Ingersoll Cable Corp. and Warner Cable
advising of letter received from Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mikulice (S69
W14780 Cornell Drive) asking for repair to damaged lawn due to
installation of cable on the northeast corner of Cornell Drive &
Durham Drive and asking for compliance and notification of
compliance within 15 days.
Mayor Salentine advised the Committee that he will be attending
the June Waste Facility Siting Board meeting to discuss
individual consideration on zoning. The Emerald Park and
Stoneridge Landfill Committee are still in the negotiation
Mr. Jeff Gottfried and Mr. Mark Wolf appeared before the
Committee to discuss Recycling and to present the attached
handout listing comments and recommendations. Mayor Salentine
will be contacting the local food stores to discuss the
possibility of voluntary drop off bins to be located in their
respective parking lots. The Committee also discussed curbside
pickup of recyclables. Correspondence from Waukesha County Solid
Waste Management Board dated June 1, 1990 was reviewed requesting
the City of Muskego to pass a resolution expressing willings to
cooperate on the County being designated as the "responsible
unit" for recycling. The Committee deferred action at this
There was no report on Youth Activities.
The Committee discussed Composting which comes into effect in
1993. At that particular time, yard wastes will be banned. The
Committee felt that an educational process has to be started to
inform the citizens to leave grass cuttings on the lawns and to
• start a compost for leaves. Branches and pruning size yard waste
is a problem that must also be addressed.
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
June 14, 1990
• Mr. George Meinholz and Skip G1or appeared before the Committee
to explain Waste Management's intent to close Stoneridge Landfill
on September 1, 1990, at which time it will reach design
capacity. Mr. Meinholz stated that either Waste Management will
allow free dumping at Stoneridge which will be transported to
Metro Landfill in Franklin, or Muskego residents would be allowed
to dump free at Metro Landfill in Franklin. Mr. Meinholz has
requested that the City write a letter to the DNR urging them to
expedite approval of the Feasibility Plan in order to implement
opening of a new cell which could possibly be finished this year.
Mr. George Meinholz explained Waste Management's recycling
efforts in the area and invited Committee to view Omega Hills,
Park View, Pheasant Run and other recycling centers.
The Committee reviewed the HAWS (Humane Animal Welfare Society's)
agreement for stray animal care for the year commencing on July
1, 1990 through June 30, 1991. A1d. Simmons moved to recommend
approval of the agreement. Seconded by A1d. D. Sanders, motion
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David Sanders
little ►nuskego lake a88oelation ineo
• �� Noy-��c�c�a� s
eev c
little muskego lake assoeiatlon inee
• TO: Public Welfare Committee and Recycling Groups
FROM: Little Muskego Lake Association (LMLAj-V
RE: Recycling at Parkland Mall
1. Recyclable$ and containers
uRta .risks Container Green;Up capacity Comments
1-roll off
90% full
bagged or bundled OK
(no magazines,
phone books,
2 bins
full plus
crushed cans use less
space at home and at
cans or foil
of 4 part box
recycling site
(no windows,
Fite bulbs,mirror,
1 bin of
Full + 5 barrels
bsssaves space
but and ho sort
4 part box
if contaminated. labels OK
must remove metal and
5 barrels
plastic rings,
1 bin of
80% full
4 part box
Tin/Steel Cans
1- roll off
10-20% full
crush. labels .OK
1 roll off
(soda liter bottle)
2 HOPE (milk)
1 roll off
2. HOURS 8AM to 12 Noon (Green -Up 8-4) OK
3. Comments/Reeommendstions
Cost to Waste Management appears to be substantial ($400-$500 per month).
. Addition of extra roll -off used for non-recyclables/contaminants has allowed the
volunteers to keep things separate.
6-18 Vc`cvrc I`i2d .
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