The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Acting Chairman
Simmons. Also present were Committee Member Dumke, Mayor
Salentine, Representative David Lepak, Ald. Taube, Ald. David
Sanders and those per the attached list. Chairman Patterson
arrived at 7:22 P.M.
Mr. Jack Dowden, Waste Management representative for Super Fund,
appeared before the Committee. He stated that Super Fund felt
that there was nothing that they could compute at this time. Any
future inquiries to Super Fund can be made directly to Mike
Gifford (Area Code 312-886-7275). Research began in the Fall of
1988. The City has been provided with a ground water computer
model. Regional flow is to the southeast. Investigation will
consist of two parts. Removal of leachate gas control to be
discussed with EPA as soon as possible. The old cover does not
meet EPA standards. Possible old cap could be scrapped off and
clay saved as much as possible. DNR will write a "Record of
Decision" and call for a public hearing. The State and other
regulatory agencies will have one last chance for input. This
will transpire prior to any action being taken. First round of
removal of ground water samples are expected to be taken during
• the 2nd quarter of 1990. Over 1 dozen well and 20 borings have
taken place to date. They hope to offer a remedy for the ground
water by the 4th quarter of 1990. Source Control: Consolidation
of non-contageous waste, leachate, etc. The buried containers
are located in one small area. This plans has been presented to
EPA and DNR for their approval. Old fill site is approximately
58 acres. Seven to fifteen million dollars is the aproximate
cost project at this time for clean up. The goal is to dig out
the material inside the site. Leachate that is removed may have
to be treated and this would increase cost. There are various
funds created to deal with waste/landfill problems: Waste
Management Fund, Environmental Fund. New law by State is 40
years as of August 1989 for operator control as to "long term
control" care and upkeep.
The Committee discussed status of Cable TV. Cable on Mr. Zidar's
property, W185 S9547 Parker Drive, has not been connected. The
Committee will check to see if this is scheduled to be
connected. Mrs. Kelly has complained that cable pedestal has
been put up her tree without permission. The Committee will
check both ends of Park Drives as to connections and free
installation and when installation is expected, as well as
Highway "00" and Boxhorn Drive. Cable box needs to be checked on
Bellview/Bay Lane Terrace near vacant lot.
The Committee reviewed amended Legal Description for the Cable
• Lease Agreement. Ald. Patterson moved to recommend approval.
Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
• April 23, 1990
The Committee reviewed Consenting to Assignment of Lease
Agreement Between Ingersoll Cable Corporation and the City of
Muskego. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend approval. Seconded by
Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed Recycling. Plastics are still being mixed
incorrectly; milk and soap containers cannot be mixed. Soda
bottles have to be separated. Brown and green glass bottles can
be mixed. A letter will be sent to Little Muskego Lake
Association requesting a written report as to how many people are
needed to man operation and traffic flow pattern. The Committee
determined that one person is needed at each bin and asked that
this be included in the instructions sent to organization
handling recycling each month. Notification will be made to
Waste Management when boxes are one-half to three -fourths full
and a projected need of another box. Someone slipped at landfill
between box and fill. City is being put on notification.
Ald. Patterson will approach the Cub Scouts as to going to
landfill to separate plastics improperly mixed.
The Committee had a general discussion for alternate location for
Youth Activities.
• The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
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Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William T. Simmons
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