• The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Simmons, Aid. D.
Sanders, Aid. D. Taube, Mayor Salentine, Karen Reith, Dorothy
Rector and Judy Novik.
The Committee reviewed the status of Cable TV. Mr. Reid
Ingersoll was unable to attend meeting, but the last
correspondence received from Ingersoll Cable Co. indicated that
they were hiring outside contractors to assist in burying cable.
The Committee reviewed the status of landfill.
The Committee reviewed Recycling effort on the 3rd Saturday of
every month at Parkland Mall and requests that a letter be sent
to Parkland Mall to thank them for use of their parking lot for
recycling and to request continued use of the premises.
The Committee reviewed proposed fee for Application of Wastewater
Residue on Agricultural Lands submitted by G. P. Lee, Director of
Planning & Development, dated June 30, 1989. Aid. Patterson
moved to amend the Recommended Procedure adopted by Resolution
#122-76, No. 7 to read: "There shall be a $100.00 permit plus
$5.00 per acre. Seconded by Aid. Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the attached questionnaire which will be
• mailed out to High School students in their orientation packet.
Among suggestions were a designated "game"night, or one night
committed to one subject matter. Judy Novik has prior experience
with such programs. She is a graduate of Muskego and is now
attending UW-Waukesha. Suggestion for best ideas on the survey
will be awarded a prize for most original idea. Information has
been received for possible Parkland Movie Rental.
The Committee reviewed agreement between HAWS (Humane Animal
Welfare Society of Waukesha County, Inc.) and the City of Muskego
for the period commencing July 1, 1989 through July 1, 1990. It
was noted that the agreement is identical to previous years'
agreements with the exceptions of a 50 cent increase in daily
boarding charges, a $1.00 increase in pick-up charges (from $7.50
to $8.50), and a 2f increase in mileage rates (from 22¢ to 24f
per mile). Aid. Simmons moved to recommend approval of
agreement. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Aid. William T. Simmons
ca Secretary