The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Members Simmons and
Dumke, Mayor Salentine and Reid Ingersoll.
The Committee reviewed status of Cable TV. Reid Ingersoll
advised the Committee that the regular religious channel will be
reviewed for expansion. Channel regular
was placed in a different
channel slot. He also noted that the religious channel was moved
to another channel, but not dropped. The Woods Road cable
construction which was due to begin on June 6-8, is a few days
behind scheduled due to weather and manpower. The balance of
approximately sixty (60) drops to be completed as soon as
possible; by July 1, 1989, if possible. Reid will report status
of drops weekly until finished.
The Committee discussed status of landfills. The Legislative
Council Landfill Siting Committee recommended repeal of present
siting law. There is a bill attached to the Budget Bill which
would provide for a five -mile limitation and the City has been
encouraged to support a write-in campaign to Governor Thompson
requesting that he not veto the five -mile limitation.
Bev Seiden (Muskego High School Booster Club) and Karen Reith
(Muskego women's Club) appeared before the Committee to discuss
Youth Activities. The Committee discussed format for
presentation to the Muskego/Norway School Board on Monday, June
19, 1989. A questionnaire will be mailed to all students for
their input into the Youth Activities Programs.
The results from the May 20, 1989, Green -Up Muskego day recycling
was as follows:
Newspaper (approx. 24,000 lbs.) $ 63.00
Glass (3,400 lbs.) 68.00
Aluminum (340 lbs.) 187.00
Steel (Tin) (600 lbs.) -0-
Jim Jalovec and Tom Perkins, A. J. Cartage Co., appeared before
the Committee to request permit for application of wastewater
residue (sludge). The property that will receive the sludge will
be the Anthony & Jerome Salentine Bros. property which is
approximately 100 acres, part of which is located in the City of
Muskego (approximately 40 to 50 acres), the rest is in the Town
of Vernon (map attached). The time element involved in spreading
the sludge would be two weeks. All sludge will come from
Waukesha and Waukesha will monitor all sudge leaving their
plant. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend approval of permit for
application of wastewater residue subject to DNR approval.
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Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
• June 14, 1989
Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Committee suggests
that the Department of Planning and Development review proposed
increase in application fee as soon as possible.
The Committee reviewed request for Holding Tank received from
Ambassador Baptist Church, Inc., W125 59791 North Cape Road.
This property is the old Durham Hill School. Ald. Dumke moved to
recommend approval of application. Seconded by Ald. Simmons,
motion carried.
Ald. Simmons moved to approve 1989-90 Salvage & Recycling
application for Jim Kohne, W200 57203 Williams Drive. Seconded
by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. It was noted that the operation
was inspected by the Department of Planning & Development on
5/30/89 and the fee paid on 5/23/89.
Ald. Dumke moved to approve 1989-90 Salvage & Recycling
application for Jack Glockner, S71 W13219 Tess Corners Drive,
subject to inspection by the Department of Planning &
Development. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed application for Permit For Temporary
• Habitation Of a Trailer for Gerald & Janice Dovic, W151 S8102
Mystic Drive. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend approval of permit
subject to an inspection being made prior to issuance of
license. The inspection fee of $25.00 was paid on 6/14/89.
Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William T. Simmons
Attachments: Map showing Salentine Bros. property for
application of wastewater residue.
Youth Activities questionnaire