The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also in attendance were Committee Members Penovich
and Taube, Mayor Salentine and those per the attached list.
Members of numerous organizations, per the attached list, were in
attendance to discuss Recycling and Youth Activities.
An attempt will be made to create a defined time period for
recycling; for example, the third weekend of each month. It was
noted that an adequate number of groups will be needed.
On May 20, 1989, the Chamber of Commerce Green -Up Muskego
Committee will kick-off the Recycling effort as part of Green -Up
Muskego. Profits from this event will be given to the Green -Up
Muskego Committee, a sub -committee of the Muskego Chamber of
Commerce. Other organizations of the City such as the Lions Club
and the Little Muskego Lake Association will help promote this
activity. The Muskego Historical Society will work with the
schools to get youths involved.
A comment was made that it would be easier to get people to put
• aside glass, cans, plastic and aluminum items if they could just
put it into one bag. Mr. & Mrs. Kohne stated that sorting is a
Mr. Mike Ettner from Waste Management explained that they could
provide to the collection site a 20 yd., 4 compartment van to be
used for tin, white glass, colored glass and aluminum.
It was agreed that Saturday would be the best day and 8:00 A.M.
to 2:00 P.M. the best time frame; pick-up at 2:30 P.M. would be
ideal. The Waste Management van would probably be taken to the
landfill on Monday.
After the first event, the profits for the five months (June thru
October) would be split equally by the five groups.
May Green -Up (Muskego Chamber of Commerce)
June Marlin Aquatics
July Muskego Women's Club
August Muskego High School Booster Club
September Muckey 4 H Club
October Little Muskego Lake Association
Mr. Wozniak, a representative of the Muckey 4-H Club volunteered
to stuff 6000 flyers into Rozman's True Value brochure being
• mailed the first week of April. The flyers are being printed by
the Muskego Women's Club.
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
March 9, 1989
• Youth Activities
Chairman Patterson explained concept of how to increase number of
activities for youths. It was suggested that a survey be done on
what type of existing activities are presently going on in the
City as a starting point. After much discussion, it was agreed
that a large facility where youth could hang out was best. A
possible facility would be Muskego High School. Multiple
activities such as volleyball, dancing, basketball, etc., at a
nominal charge, which would cover usage fees and associated
costs, were suggested. Custodians would have to have flexible
control so that youths could function in a relaxed atmosphere.
Aid. Taube suggested checking with Parkland Mall as to the
feasibility of renting or securing use of the movie house on a
Friday night with volunteers running it on a once -a -month basis.
A news article was submitted on activities sponsored by the Town
of Merten. The Committee will put the Youth issue on the April
agenda to allow time to line up enough groups to start program.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Mr. Reid Ingersoll,
Ingersoll Cable Corp., dated March 2, 1989, in which he requests
to met with the Welfare Committee to discuss the $50,000
peformance bond that is required by the city's ordinance. He is
requesting that alternate means of fulfilling the bond obligation
• be explored. Aid. Taube moved to direct the City Clerk to send
letter to Mr. Ingersoll stating that we are turning the matter
over to the City Attorney requesting that he meet with Mr.
Ingersoll to discuss alternate security, but stipulated that the
value should remain at $50,000. Seconded by Aid. Penovich,
motion carried.
Chairman Patterson informed the Committee that a petition was
presented to Ingersoll Cable Corp. showing what they liked and
did not like and he will secure a copy for the Committee.
The Committee discussed the status of landfills. The resolution
for the extension of contract and permit for the Muskego Landfill
will be acted upon at the March 14, 1989, Common Council meeting.
In lieu of contract fee, Aid. Penovich moved to recommend waiving
$50.00 application fee for Waste Management. Seconded by Aid.
Taube, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Aid. David Taube
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