The meeting was called to order at 8:35 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were Committee Member Taube, Mayor
Salentine, Director of Land and Use Administrator G. P. Lee, John
Ingersoll (Ingersoll Cable Co.) and those per the attached list.
The Committee reviewed Cable TV Status with Mr. John Ingersoll of
Ingersoll Cable Co. and Mr. Steve Peterson, Mr. Bob Schaeffer and
Mr. Louis Santini of Star Cablevision whose headquarters are in
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The representatives of Star Cablevision
gave a history of the corporation stating that they started in
Taylorville, Illinois, 20 years ago, they are the 42nd largest
cable corporation in the United States and have operations in 500
cities in Wisconsin. Some of their cable acquisitions are
Burlington, Elkhorn, Union Grove and Waterford. The
representatives provided the following information:
1. Will honor all existing commitments
2. Rates will be: $16.95 Basic, $6.95 Disney
$7.95 Cinemax, $8.95 Showtime and $9.95 HBO.
• 3. Star Cablevision will agree to transfer of
agreement intact.
4. Average life of Cable System is twenty years (20)
years if quality cable used.
5. Star has existing engineering and maintenance office
for this area in Burlington.
6. Star will retain seventy (70) of Ingersoll's ninety-
three (93) employees and will set up office in Muskego
as requested by contract.
7. Star intends to grow thru penetration in market place
at this time.
8. Star will continue to honor lease at $500.00 per year of
city -owned land for satellite dish.
9. Closing date is December 15, 1988.
10. Police Chief requested to survey City for unburied Cable
and report to Ingersoll & Welfare Committee.
• 11. Star requests copies of all commitments agreed to by
12. Committee requested Attorney Molter to rewrite Francise
Agreement with Star to pay for his time.
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
October 13, 1988
13. Committee reviewed history of Star Cablevision, a
• current listing of franchise communities, ownership
structure, Star Cablevision Group/Ingersoll Proformas
prepared in the analysis of the Ingersoll acquisition,
report of certified public accountants and financial
statements and a list of credit references, which will
become part of the official minutes of this meeting.
The Committee reviewed status of landfills.
The Committee discussed communication from Humane Animal Welfare
Society, deferred from a previous meeting, asking for the City of
Muskego's support in keeping HAWS at its present location. The
Committee recommended that a resolution supporting HAWS in its
effort to remain at its current Northview, Road site be adopted by
the Common Council.
The Committee continued discussion on request of Parks &
Recreation Board to adopt an ordinance restricting dogs in city
parks. The Committee reviewed New Berlin ordinance and requested
that a copy of the ordinance be given to the Parks Supervisor for
review. This item will be part of the November Public Welfare
Committee agenda.
The Committee reviewed well monitoring reports supplied by
• Muskego Landfill for the second quarter of 1988.
The Committee discussed broadcasting of community events and
requests that the Cable Club increase broadcasting of community
events if possible.
Discussion on Youth Activity for Muskego Children was deferred
until the November meeting.
Mr. Don DeBack and William Ohberg of DeBack Grading and Mr.
George Meinholz of Waste Management appeared before the
Committee to discuss request for extension of time for the
DeBack/Lefkfield agreement. Ald. Taube moved to deny extension
and allow an additional thirty (30) days to complete restoration
by December 1, 1988 instead of November 1, 1988. Seconded by
Ald. Patterson, motion carried. Ald. Patterson moved to request
that the Planning Commission address this at the October 18, 1988
The meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
• Ald. David Taube
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