The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Tomczyk. Also present were Committee Members Hilt and DeAngelis,
Recreation Supervisor Schweitzer and those per the attached list.
The Committee reviewed Cable Status with Mr. John Ingersoll, Mr.
Norm Dubuc and Mr. Tom Wing from Ingersoll Cable Co. There are
3,076 subscribers at this time; which is 80% of those able to be
connected. A written report will be submitted to the Committee
in March listing total cabling for the rest of the City.
In accordance with the Cable Ordinance, Ingersoll Cable Co. will
provide the City with a list of subscriber complaints and
A Permit from Wisconsin Electric Company has been obtained to lay
underground cable on Highway 00.
John Ingersoll gave an update on Cable Committee's request for
equipment. Tom Wing demonstrated a Cable Generator with 24 page
memory that costs approximately $500. Jackie Schweitzer informed
the Committee of needed equipment in order for the Cable Club to
take over filming City meetings. Ald. Tomczyk moved to recommend
to the Finance Committee that if the $3.00 increase is approved,
that 3% of the $3.00 be used for purchase of cable equipment to
enable the Cable Club to assist production of local
programming. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried. John
Ingersoll stated that he would match the funds appropriated for
the Cable Club. The Welfare Committee also recognizes that if
the Cable Club takes over taping the local programs, the
ordinance would have to be amended to take out (7) 4 which states
that Ingersoll Cable Co. "will provide 52 broadcasting hours per
year within the Muskego City limits".
The Committee reviewed correspondence from City Attorney
regarding Assembly Bill 506 - Cable TV.
The Committee discussed Ingersoll Cable Co.'s request to reduce
Franchise (Performance) Bond from $50,000 to $2,000. Ald. Hilt
moved to delete Section (6) C requiring a Franchise Bond.
Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and
Ald. Tomczyk moved to amend the minutes to read "The fee will be
pro -rated commencing in the year that the first foundry landfill
sand, slurry or other material, is placed in the landfill."
Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried.
• Public Welfare Minutes - February 6, 1986
Page 2
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Attorney Molter
regarding the new Holding Tank Agreement and discussed whether or
not item #11 requiring a cash bond should be deleted. The
Committee approves the Holding Tank Agreement as drafted by
Attorney Molter including item #11, which gives the Committee the
right to request a cash bond.
Ald. DeAngelis reported on the Waukesha County Future Solid Waste
Disposal Needs of the County meeting which he and Mayor Salentine
attended on January 29, 1986. The meeting addressed concerns
with landfills and incinerators. It is understood that Waste
Management's Landfill on Wauer land has three years of life
remaining. At this time it is doubtful whether Waste Management
will open the next 20 acres. The City should now be looking to
Waste Management for a definite decision as to whether the
extension will be opened. If they do not plan to open the
extension, the City should be looking into future needs for
disposal. Ald. Tomczyk will contact Mr. George Meinholz of Waste
Management regarding their plans.
• The Committee reviewed the quarterly report from Waste Management
on the Muskego Landfill Volume, and placed on file.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Frank DeAngelis
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