PWM19850307• PUBLIC WELF-kftE CO`RfITEEE - CITY OF MCSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETI`:G HELD LARCH 7, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 7:00 P.K. also present were Ccnmitcee Members Milt and Gaetzke, Mayor Salentine, Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson, Ald. DeAngelis, Stan Potrykus, Tom Ludwig and Carl Mack. The Committee discussed and reviewed the proposed ,Water [1S;1;rv_ Financial Consultant, Seegar Swanson, discussed the financing of the proposed water utility with the committee. The correspondence Erom Ruekert k 'lielke s office was reviewed in regard to the feasibility of the creation of a water utility. The letter being sent to the voters advising them of the InEormatLonal Hearing and explaining the reason the Council is asking for a reEarend.:m was reviewed. The draEt, as attac'ned, was recor_cended. The Develc.er of the Osch_ann a-operty, `fr. Stan ?otrykus, appeared to request individual wells to serve the proposed 13 lot subdivisicn rat'Zer than having a community well. Ald. Hilt moved to aive require=ent for a con.^.unity well for the development. Seconded by Ald. Tomcz;.rk, =otion carried. • The Commit 2? discussed Cable TV use for community affairs. The Committee decided that all requests would be subject to Welfare Committee approval. In the event that the committee would not be meeting to review an individual request, the Chairman of the Welfare Committee will review the request. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. ca 0 Respectfully submitted, Ald. Eugene Gaetzke Secretary