of Meeting Held October
20, 1983
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 7:00 P.M.
Also present were Ald. DeAngelis, Ald. Nilsson, Mayor Salentine
and others per the attached list.
Mr. Don DesMonie spoke regarding the Waukesha County Recycling
. Program. He also left information booklets for distribution
entitled "Be a Good Neighbor, Reduce Your Waste".
1) The County would share up to $2,500 of cost for the
City to set up a recylcing center.
2) The County would pay the full cost of literature
needed to inform the City's citizens if we were planning
to set up a program.
3) Presently there are six (6) recycling sites operating
in the County.
Mr. Bryon Eskra spoke regarding the Waukesha County Solid Waste
1) The Board is made up of five (5) citizens and four (4)
County Board members.
2) A study done by an outside firm of the City of Waukesha
incinerator shows that electricity could be generated to
serve a number of industrial customers if the incinerator
could be kept in operation 24 hours per day. The project
• (incinerator and landfill site to dispose of the ash) would
not be in full operation until 1987. The two (2) existing
incinerators will be rebuilt, additional incinerators would
be constructed as waste volume would require.
3) 15 of the 37 communities in Waukesha County have signed a
letter of intent to participate in this project.
4) The ash that would be placed in landfills would amount to
10% by volume of the refuse which was burned. It is
projected the Waukesha Airport landfill would not be full
until the year 2024.
The Committee recommended unanimously that the City sign the letter
of intent regarding County -wide participation after review by the
City Attorney.
Mr. Jeff Behrs from Kurtze Lane explained that the property he
purchased last month is under County Health Department orders to
install a holding tank. The tank would cost $4,000. Ald. DeAngelis
reported that he went to the County Health Dept. to find out their
feelings on this matter. Health Department officials told him
that they would force the installation if Muskego would not pass
the holding tank resolution. Mayor Salentine stated that the
Health Department said that if Ald. DeAngelis and the neighbor
who originally made the complaint would each write a letter with-
drawing their complaint that the Mayor would make a visit to the
Health Department to attempt to have this action stopped. Chairman
Tomczyk will contact County Supervisors Guhr and Narlock to enlist
their support.
Mr. George Meinholz of Waste Management presented their report
of volume for the 3rd quarter of 1983. He stated that Waste
Management would be making a request to expand the landfill site
in the near future.
. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Richard Nilsson, Secy.