PWM19830922PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 22, 1983 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 6 45 P.M. Also in attendance were Committee Members DeAngelis and Nilsson, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Penovich, Representatives of R.V.S., �• Ingersoll Industries, Inc. and many Muskego citizens. Numerous residents asked questions pertaining to the Ingersoll proposal and R.V.S. contract. Mr. Charlie Fox of R.V.S. explained some of the history of the present situation as he perceived it. Mr. John Ingersoll explained what he has done to date for Muskego and what he intends to do in the future. A number of citizens stated that they felt R.V.S. had done nothing for Muskego, and that the City should contract with Ingersoll Industries, Inc. to complete a cable system. Ald. Nilsson moved to recommend to the Common Council that the City award a second non-exclusive cable franchise to Ingersoll Industries, Inc. and further direct the City Clerk to prepare the • necessary ordinance and place same on the agenda for the September 27, 1983 Common Council agenda. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis. Motion passed unanimously. Ald. Nilsson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7 40 P.M, Respectfully submitted, Ald. Richard Nilsson, Secy. RN/jh