The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Tomczyk. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis and
Nilsson, Mayor Salentine, Mr. Charles Fox of R.V.S., Mr. John
Ingersoll and Mr. Dale Scott of Ingersoll Industries, and
• Mr. Monfils and Mr. Willems of Telenational (arr. 7:10 PM).
Mr. Fox explained that at the present time it is not possible
for RVS to build the Muskego cable television system. He
further explained the fact that RVS and Ingersoll Industries
have been holding meetings to discuss a possible transfer of
the cable franchise.
Mr. Ingersoll explained that his system could use the small
room in the basement of the Police Department for receiving
equipment (previously approved by Chief Scholz), and they1would
need an area to the north of the Police Department parking area
for a satellite receiving dish. Ingersoll's channel selection
was discussed in detail, and Mr. Ingersoll stated that he would
be interested in polling Muskego residents to find out their
preferences regarding other services. Ingersoll also intends
to contact Mr. Matheson of the Muskego/Norway School District
and Police Chief Scholz to find out what their needs are.
• Ingersoll also intends to service a larger area of the City,
(cable to run south along Racine Avenue to serve the Lake Denoon
area to include Lake Meadows Subdivision).
Mr. Fox stated that a letter will be forthcoming from RVS to
the City requesting a change of ownership of the system to
Ingersoll Industries. Ingersoll will then send a letter
stating the changes needed to be made to the existing ordinance.
Each of these letters are to be in the hands of the City no
later than August 18, 1983.
The location of the receiving dish was discussed. The Welfare
Committee will discuss a possible location with the Historical
The Committee recommended that the Common Council establish
a date of September 12, 1983 for a public hearing to discuss
a change in the CATV franchise.
Mr. Monfils of Telenational Communications also indicated that
he will be presenting a,proposal prior to the public hearing.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Committee discussed the tour of the landfill site scheduled
• for Tuesday, August 9, 1983 at 1:00 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Richard Nilsson, Secy.