PWM19830511• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 11, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Tomczyk. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis and Nilsson, Mayor • Salentine and James Haag and Kurt Fifer, representing the Muskego Chamber of Commerce and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herzberg. • • Mr. Haag and Mr. Fifer of the Muskego Chamber of Commerce, discussed the zip code situation in Muskego. They requested the Public Welfare Committee request the Common Council endorse the concept of a U. S. Postal Department survey of the 53130 zip code area to get their views as to which zip code those residents want to be located in. Ald. DeAngelis moved to recommend Council approval of the request. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson. Motion carried. Chairman Tomczyk read a status report, dated May 9, 1983, regarding RVS Cablevision in Muskego. The report indicated it was their hope to have the first subscribers hooked up during May, however, due to the hiring of a new general manager it may take a little longer. However, everything is still proceeding on schedule. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Chairman Tomczyk reported that he has not received the report from DNR regarding well monitoring in the area of the Thomas Landfill. The petition of Carmen Herzberg regarding the addition of a polling location for the 14th Ward of the 7th District was discussed. Matters considered were the expenses involved in notifying the persons in- volved, costs of additional voting machine, finding a location acceptable to voters, school system and city. Ald. DeAngelis moved to defer action on this matter pending further study. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson. Ald. Dumke is to be notified that this matter will be on the next Public Welfare Committee agenda. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Richard Nilsson, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee