The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 7:30 P.M. Also
present were Committee Members Penovich and Treba, Mayor Salentine and
Mr. Jim O'Connor, James Morgan, George Meinholz and Henry Koch repre-
senting Waste Management of Wisconsin# and those persons on the back of
this sheet.
Discussion was held by Mr. Henry Koch, Engineer, as he gave a brief
explanation and update on the Muskego Landfill site. Questions were
asked and answers given to the residents in attendance at the meeting.
It was reported that at this time we still do not have a completed testing
report from the DNR, however, it should be received shortly.
In Mr. Koch's report, he gave an explanation and stated that the reg-
ulations of the DNR are stricter now than previously. He stated that the
DNR expects a three month report with the amount and strength of leachate
reported. They also require monitoring wells on and around the site.
Waste Management is also required to maintain and monitor the site for
20 years after the site is closed.
Discussion was held on how many people actually use the city dump and how
many are using private collection. No estimate could be given on this.
It was, however, stated that on a Saturday afternoon the count of cars
entering the dump in a four-hour period was 129. It was also mentioned
that due to the dump location, it is financially cheaper for residents
• living in the southern and eastern portion of the city to pay a private
firm for garbage pickup at $7.00 per month.
Discussion on extending the permit was held. Waste Management stated
that they felt the life of the present site would be approximately
28 months. They are requesting a permit until it is filled.
A $23,000.00 per year permit fee was given by Alderman Treba, based on an
inflation figure and a 50 percent increase in fee. The past permit had
been $5,000.00 per year over a 10-year period. The committee recommends
the $23,000 figure to Council, along with a 600 tonnage limit per day,
free dumping by residents of the city and a relocation of the police
pistol range.
Waste Management agreed to take this proposal back to their firm's
officials for approval or further negotiation. They will respond by
early next week as to their decision.
Muskego zip codes were discussed. The city now has two zip codes.
One is for the people with a Muskego address (53150) and the other for
residents with the address of Hales Corners (53130). It was the con -
census of the Welfare Committee and residents attending, that if the
53130 zip code is to be changed to 53150, that decision should come from
those residents involved and not residents already in the 53150 zip code.
• The minutes of the October 14, 1982 meeting were reviewed and placed
on file.
Ald. Penovich moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Blenda Treba, Sec'y.